Reworked Transform as a type class
This commit is contained in:
11 changed files with 115 additions and 75 deletions
@ -12,12 +12,11 @@ import GLDriver
import Player
import Player
data CPUPlayer = CPUPlayer Vector
data CPUPlayer = CPUPlayer Rotation
deriving (Typeable, Show)
deriving (Typeable, Show)
instance Player CPUPlayer where
instance Player CPUPlayer where
-- playerUpdate (CPUPlayer angle) _ = return (CPUPlayer (if (angle+0.2) > 180 then angle-359.8 else angle+0.2), Just angle, True, Just (-angle), ((fromIntegral . round $ angle) == angle) && ((round $ angle) `mod` 2 == 0))
-- playerUpdate (CPUPlayer angle) _ = return (CPUPlayer (if (angle+0.2) > 180 then angle-359.8 else angle+0.2), Just angle, True, Just (-angle), ((fromIntegral . round $ angle) == angle) && ((round $ angle) `mod` 2 == 0))
playerUpdate (CPUPlayer dir) _ = return (CPUPlayer dir', Just dir', True, Just mirrordir, False)
playerUpdate (CPUPlayer dir) _ = return (CPUPlayer dir', Just dir', True, Just $ negateV dir', False)
dir' = (rotate (0.2*pi/180)) >< dir
dir' = (fromAngle (0.2*pi/180)) >< dir
mirrordir = Vector (vectorX dir') (-(vectorY dir'))
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ bulletDiameter :: Coord
bulletDiameter = 0.05
bulletDiameter = 0.05
collisionTankBorder :: Coord -> Coord -> Tank -> Tank
collisionTankBorder :: Coord -> Coord -> Tank -> Tank
collisionTankBorder lw lh tank = (translate dx dy) >< tank
collisionTankBorder lw lh tank = V.Vector dx dy >< tank
corners = [ V.Vector (tankLength/2) (tankWidth/2)
corners = [ V.Vector (tankLength/2) (tankWidth/2)
, V.Vector (-tankLength/2) (tankWidth/2)
, V.Vector (-tankLength/2) (tankWidth/2)
@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ collisionTankBorder lw lh tank = (translate dx dy) >< tank
, V.Vector (tankLength/2) (-tankWidth/2)
, V.Vector (tankLength/2) (-tankWidth/2)
rotp v = V.rotateV (tankDir tank) >< v
rotp v = tankDir tank >< v
transp v = V.translateV v >< tankPos tank
transp v = v >< tankPos tank
points = map (transp . rotp) corners
points = map (transp . rotp) corners
minx = minimum $ map V.vertexX points
minx = minimum $ map V.vertexX points
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ collisionBulletTank (b, b') (tank, tank') = (not ((between bx minx maxx) && (bet
between x a b = x >= a && x <= b
between x a b = x >= a && x <= b
rotp t v = V.rotateV' (tankDir t) >< v
rotp t v = tankDir t >:< v
transp t v = V.diffV (tankPos t) v
transp t v = V.diffV (tankPos t) v
V.Vector bx by = (rotp tank) . (transp tank) $ bulletPos b
V.Vector bx by = (rotp tank) . (transp tank) $ bulletPos b
@ -61,7 +61,8 @@ collisionBulletTank (b, b') (tank, tank') = (not ((between bx minx maxx) && (bet
miny = -(tankWidth+bulletDiameter)/2
miny = -(tankWidth+bulletDiameter)/2
maxy = (tankWidth+bulletDiameter)/2
maxy = (tankWidth+bulletDiameter)/2
collisionTankTank :: ((Tank, Tank), (Tank, Tank)) -> ((Tank, Tank), (Tank, Tank))
collisionTankTank :: ((Tank, Tank), (Tank, Tank)) -> (Tank, Tank)
collisionTankTank ((t1, t1'), (t2, t2')) = ((t1, t1'), (t2, t2'))
collisionTankTank ((t1, t1'), (t2, t2')) = (t1'', t2'')
-- where
t1'' = t1'
t2'' = t2'
@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ instance Player DefaultPlayer where
ax = realToFrac $ aimx - (fromRational . toRational . tankX $ tank)
ax = realToFrac $ aimx - (fromRational . toRational . tankX $ tank)
ay = realToFrac $ aimy - (fromRational . toRational . tankY $ tank)
ay = realToFrac $ aimy - (fromRational . toRational . tankY $ tank)
move = (x /= 0 || y /= 0)
move = (x /= 0 || y /= 0)
dir = if move then Just (normalized $ Vector x y) else Nothing
dir = if move then Just (fromVector $ Vector x y) else Nothing
adir = if (ax /= 0 || ay /= 0) then Just (normalized $ Vector ax ay) else Nothing
adir = if (ax /= 0 || ay /= 0) then Just (fromVector $ Vector ax ay) else Nothing
in return (DefaultPlayer keys aimx aimy False, dir, move, adir, shoot)
in return (DefaultPlayer keys aimx aimy False, dir, move, adir, shoot)
handleEvent (DefaultPlayer keys aimx aimy shoot) ev
handleEvent (DefaultPlayer keys aimx aimy shoot) ev
@ -8,13 +8,12 @@ module Game ( Bullet(..)
import Level
import Level
import Tank
import Tank
import Transformable
import Vector
import Vector
data Bullet = Bullet
data Bullet = Bullet
{ bulletPos :: !Vertex
{ bulletPos :: !Vertex
, bulletDir :: !Vector
, bulletDir :: !Rotation
, bulletSpeed :: !Coord
, bulletSpeed :: !Coord
, bulletBouncesLeft :: !Int
, bulletBouncesLeft :: !Int
, bulletTank :: !Int
, bulletTank :: !Int
@ -27,7 +26,7 @@ bulletY :: Bullet -> Coord
bulletY = vertexY . bulletPos
bulletY = vertexY . bulletPos
instance Transformable Bullet where
instance Transformable Bullet where
t >< b = b { bulletPos = pos, bulletDir = dir } where
transform t b = b { bulletPos = pos, bulletDir = dir } where
pos = t >< bulletPos b
pos = t >< bulletPos b
dir = t >< bulletDir b
dir = t >< bulletDir b
@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ import DefaultPlayer
import HWiidPlayer
import HWiidPlayer
import Simulation
import Simulation
import Tank
import Tank
import Vector
import GLDriver
import GLDriver
import GLX
import GLX
@ -20,7 +22,6 @@ import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Time
import Data.Time
import Vector
main :: IO ()
main :: IO ()
main = do
main = do
@ -31,14 +32,14 @@ main = do
when (initialized gl) $ do
when (initialized gl) $ do
currentTime <- getCurrentTime
currentTime <- getCurrentTime
let gamestate = GameState {level = theLevel, tanks = [ Tank (Vertex 7.0 4.0) (Vector 1 0) (Vector 1 0) 1.5 (270*pi/180) False 3 1 5 1
let gamestate = GameState {level = theLevel, tanks = [ Tank (Vertex 7.0 4.0) zeroV zeroV 1.5 (270*pi/180) False 3 1 5 1
, Tank (Vertex 4.0 4.0) (Vector 1 0) (Vector 1 0) 1.5 (270*pi/180) False 3 1 5 1
, Tank (Vertex 4.0 4.0) zeroV zeroV 1.5 (270*pi/180) False 3 1 5 1
, Tank (Vertex 10.0 4.0) (Vector 1 0) (Vector 1 0) 1.5 (270*pi/180) False 3 1 5 1
, Tank (Vertex 10.0 4.0) zeroV zeroV 1.5 (270*pi/180) False 3 1 5 1
], bullets = []}
], bullets = []}
mainstate = MainState {run = True, driver = SomeDriver gl, time = currentTime, players =
mainstate = MainState {run = True, driver = SomeDriver gl, time = currentTime, players =
[ SomePlayer humanPlayer
[ SomePlayer humanPlayer
, SomePlayer $ CPUPlayer $ Vector 0 (-1)
, SomePlayer $ CPUPlayer $ fromAngle $ -pi/2
, SomePlayer $ CPUPlayer $ Vector 0 1
, SomePlayer $ CPUPlayer $ fromAngle $ pi/2
], textures = M.empty, models = M.empty, gameState = gamestate}
], textures = M.empty, models = M.empty, gameState = gamestate}
runMain mainstate $ do
runMain mainstate $ do
@ -55,11 +55,11 @@ instance Player HWiidPlayer where
(aimx, aimy) = if null aims then (0, 0) else mulV (1/(fromIntegral $ length aims)) (foldr addV (0, 0) aims)
(aimx, aimy) = if null aims then (0, 0) else mulV (1/(fromIntegral $ length aims)) (foldr addV (0, 0) aims)
ax = realToFrac $ aimx - (fromRational . toRational . tankX $ tank)
ax = realToFrac $ aimx - (fromRational . toRational . tankX $ tank)
ay = realToFrac $ aimy - (fromRational . toRational . tankY $ tank)
ay = realToFrac $ aimy - (fromRational . toRational . tankY $ tank)
aim = if (ax /= 0 || ay /= 0) then Just $ V.Vector ax ay else Nothing
aim = if (ax /= 0 || ay /= 0) then Just . V.fromVector $ V.Vector ax ay else Nothing
move = (mx /= 0 || my /= 0)
move = (mx /= 0 || my /= 0)
angle = atan2 my mx
angle = atan2 my mx
dir = if move then Just $ T.rotate (fromRational $ round ((angle - (sin $ 8*x)/8)*1000000*180/pi)%1000000) T.>< V.Vector 1 0 else Nothing
dir = if move then Just $ V.fromAngle (fromRational $ round ((angle - (sin $ 8*x)/8)*1000000)%1000000) else Nothing
when foo $ print state
when foo $ print state
return (HWiidPlayer wiimote cal aims, dir, move, aim, shoot)
return (HWiidPlayer wiimote cal aims, dir, move, aim, shoot)
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ module Player ( Player(..)
, SomePlayer(..)
, SomePlayer(..)
) where
) where
import Transformable
import Vector
import Vector
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Typeable
@ -13,7 +12,7 @@ import GLDriver (SomeEvent)
class Player a where
class Player a where
playerUpdate :: a -> Tank -> IO (a, Maybe Vector, Bool, Maybe Vector, Bool)
playerUpdate :: a -> Tank -> IO (a, Maybe Rotation, Bool, Maybe Rotation, Bool)
handleEvent :: a -> SomeEvent -> a
handleEvent :: a -> SomeEvent -> a
handleEvent player _ = player
handleEvent player _ = player
@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ import Data.Maybe
import Data.VectorSpace
import Data.VectorSpace
updateAngle :: Vector -> Tank -> Tank
updateAngle :: Rotation -> Tank -> Tank
updateAngle dir tank = tank {tankDir = rotate newangle >< Vector 1 0}
updateAngle dir tank = tank { tankDir = fromAngle newangle }
oldangle = toAngle . tankDir $ tank
oldangle = toAngle . tankDir $ tank
angle = toAngle dir
angle = toAngle dir
@ -44,12 +44,14 @@ updateAngle dir tank = tank {tankDir = rotate newangle >< Vector 1 0}
newangle = angle180 + turn
newangle = angle180 + turn
approx :: Vector -> Vector -> Bool
approx :: Rotation -> Rotation -> Bool
approx (Vector x1 y1) (Vector x2 y2) = x1 `approx'` x2 && y1 `approx'` y2
approx r1 r2 = c1 `approx'` c2 && s1 `approx'` s2
approx' a b = (abs (a-b)) < 0.000001
approx' a b = (abs (a-b)) < 0.000001
Vector c1 s1 = toVector r1
Vector c2 s2 = toVector r2
updateTank :: GameState -> Maybe Vector -> Bool -> Maybe Vector -> State Tank ()
updateTank :: GameState -> Maybe Rotation -> Bool -> Maybe Rotation -> State Tank ()
updateTank game dir move aim = do
updateTank game dir move aim = do
when (isJust dir) $
when (isJust dir) $
modify $ updateAngle $ fromJust dir
modify $ updateAngle $ fromJust dir
@ -64,7 +66,7 @@ updateTank game dir move aim = do
moved = tankMoving tank
moved = tankMoving tank
when (isNothing dir || (isJust dir && (tdir `approx` fromJust dir) || moved)) $
when (isNothing dir || (isJust dir && (tdir `approx` fromJust dir) || moved)) $
put $ translateV (tdir ^* (tspeed/100)) >< tank {tankMoving = True}
put $ ((toVector tdir) ^* (tspeed/100)) >< tank {tankMoving = True}
when (not move) $ do
when (not move) $ do
modify $ \tank -> tank {tankMoving = False}
modify $ \tank -> tank {tankMoving = False}
@ -75,11 +77,11 @@ updateTank game dir move aim = do
updateBullet :: GameState -> Bullet -> (Bullet, Bool)
updateBullet :: GameState -> Bullet -> (Bullet, Bool)
updateBullet game bullet = (bullet {bulletPos = Vertex x' y', bulletDir = Vector dx' dy', bulletBouncesLeft = bounces3}, bounces3 >= 0)
updateBullet game bullet = (bullet {bulletPos = Vertex x' y', bulletDir = fromVector $ Vector dx' dy', bulletBouncesLeft = bounces3}, bounces3 >= 0)
speed = bulletSpeed bullet
speed = bulletSpeed bullet
d@(Vector dx dy) = bulletDir bullet
d@(Vector dx dy) = toVector $ bulletDir bullet
Vertex x y = translateV (d ^* (speed/100)) >< bulletPos bullet
Vertex x y = (d ^* (speed/100)) >< bulletPos bullet
bounces = bulletBouncesLeft bullet
bounces = bulletBouncesLeft bullet
lw = fromIntegral . levelWidth . level $ game
lw = fromIntegral . levelWidth . level $ game
lh = fromIntegral . levelHeight . level $ game
lh = fromIntegral . levelHeight . level $ game
@ -3,13 +3,12 @@ module Tank ( Tank(..)
, tankY
, tankY
) where
) where
import Transformable
import Vector
import Vector
data Tank = Tank
data Tank = Tank
{ tankPos :: !Vertex
{ tankPos :: !Vertex
, tankDir :: !Vector
, tankDir :: !Rotation
, tankAim :: !Vector
, tankAim :: !Rotation
, tankSpeed :: !Coord
, tankSpeed :: !Coord
, tankTurnspeed :: !Coord
, tankTurnspeed :: !Coord
, tankMoving :: !Bool
, tankMoving :: !Bool
@ -26,7 +25,7 @@ tankY :: Tank -> Coord
tankY = vertexY . tankPos
tankY = vertexY . tankPos
instance Transformable Tank where
instance Transformable Tank where
t >< tank = tank { tankPos = pos, tankDir = dir, tankAim = aim } where
transform t tank = tank { tankPos = pos , tankDir = dir, tankAim = aim } where
pos = t >< tankPos tank
pos = t >< tankPos tank
dir = t >< tankDir tank
dir = t >< tankDir tank
aim = t >< tankAim tank
aim = t >< tankAim tank
@ -2,11 +2,12 @@
module Transformable ( Coord
module Transformable ( Coord
, Vector3
, Vector3
, Transform
, TransformMap
, Transform(..)
, ReversibleTransform(..)
, Transformable(..)
, Transformable(..)
, translate
, (><)
, rotate
, (>:<)
, scale
) where
) where
import Data.LinearMap
import Data.LinearMap
@ -14,24 +15,29 @@ import Data.LinearMap
type Coord = Double
type Coord = Double
type Vector3 = (Coord, Coord, Coord)
type Vector3 = (Coord, Coord, Coord)
type Transform = Vector3 :-* Vector3
type TransformMap = Vector3 :-* Vector3
class Transformable a where
class Transformable a where
(><) :: Transform -> a -> a
transform :: TransformMap -> a -> a
instance Transformable Transform where
class Transform a where
t1 >< t2 = t1 *.* t2
toMap :: a -> TransformMap
class Transform a => ReversibleTransform a where
toMap' :: a -> TransformMap
instance Transformable Vector3 where
instance Transformable Vector3 where
t >< v = t `lapply` v
transform = lapply
translate :: Coord -> Coord -> Transform
instance Transform TransformMap where
translate dx dy = linear $ \(x, y, w) -> (x + w*dx, y + w*dy, w)
toMap = id
rotate :: Coord -> Transform
instance Transformable TransformMap where
rotate a = linear $ \(x, y, w) -> (c*x - s*y, s*x + c*y, w) where
transform = (*.*)
c = cos a
s = sin a
(><) :: (Transform t, Transformable a) => t -> a -> a
t >< a = transform (toMap t) a
(>:<) :: (ReversibleTransform t, Transformable a) => t -> a -> a
t >:< a = transform (toMap' t) a
scale :: Coord -> Transform
scale s = linear $ \(x, y, w) -> (s*y, s*y, w)
@ -1,12 +1,20 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Vector ( Vertex(..)
module Vector ( Coord
, Transformable(..)
, Transform(..)
, ReversibleTransform(..)
, Vertex(..)
, Vector(..)
, Vector(..)
, Rotation
, zeroV
, (^+^)
, negateV
, (><)
, toAngle
, toAngle
, translateV
, fromAngle
, translateV'
, toVector
, rotateV
, fromVector
, rotateV'
, diffV
, diffV
) where
) where
@ -18,13 +26,14 @@ import Data.LinearMap
data Vertex = Vertex { vertexX :: Coord, vertexY :: Coord } deriving (Show, Eq)
data Vertex = Vertex { vertexX :: Coord, vertexY :: Coord } deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Transformable Vertex where
instance Transformable Vertex where
t >< (Vertex x y) = Vertex x' y'
transform t (Vertex x y) = Vertex x' y'
(x', y', _) = t >< (x, y, 1) :: Vector3
(x', y', _) = t >< (x, y, 1) :: Vector3
data Vector = Vector { vectorX :: Coord, vectorY :: Coord } deriving (Show, Eq)
data Vector = Vector { vectorX :: Coord, vectorY :: Coord } deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Transformable Vector where
instance Transformable Vector where
t >< (Vector x y) = Vector x' y'
transform t (Vector x y) = Vector x' y'
(x', y', _) = t >< (x, y, 0) :: Vector3
(x', y', _) = t >< (x, y, 0) :: Vector3
@ -35,25 +44,50 @@ instance AdditiveGroup Vector where
instance VectorSpace Vector where
instance VectorSpace Vector where
type Scalar Vector = Coord
type Scalar Vector = Coord
s *^ Vector x y = Vector (s*x) (s*y)
r *^ Vector x y = Vector (r*x) (r*y)
instance InnerSpace Vector where
instance InnerSpace Vector where
Vector x1 y1 <.> Vector x2 y2 = x1*x2 + y1*y2
Vector x1 y1 <.> Vector x2 y2 = x1*x2 + y1*y2
toAngle :: Vector -> Coord
instance Transform Vector where
toAngle (Vector x y) = atan2 y x
toMap (Vector dx dy) = linear $ \(x, y, w) -> (x+w*dx, y+w*dy, w)
translateV :: Vector -> Transform
instance ReversibleTransform Vector where
translateV (Vector x y) = translate x y
toMap' = toMap . negateV
translateV' :: Vector -> Transform
data Rotation = Rotation { rotC :: Coord, rotS :: Coord } deriving (Show, Eq)
translateV' = translateV . negateV
rotateV :: Vector -> Transform
instance Transformable Rotation where
rotateV (Vector c s) = linear $ \(x, y, w) -> (c*x - s*y, s*x + c*y, w)
transform t (Rotation c s) = Rotation (c'/l) (s'/l)
(c', s', _) = t >< (c, s, 0) :: Vector3
l = sqrt $ c'^2 + s'^2
rotateV' :: Vector -> Transform
instance AdditiveGroup Rotation where
rotateV' (Vector c s) = rotateV $ Vector c (-s)
zeroV = Rotation 1 0
Rotation c1 s1 ^+^ Rotation c2 s2 = Rotation (c1*c2 - s1*s2) (s1*c2 + c1*s2)
negateV (Rotation c s) = Rotation (-c) s
instance Transform Rotation where
toMap (Rotation c s) = linear $ \(x, y, w) -> (c*x - s*y, s*x + c*y, w)
instance ReversibleTransform Rotation where
toMap' = toMap . negateV
toAngle :: Rotation -> Coord
toAngle (Rotation c s) = atan2 s c
fromAngle :: Coord -> Rotation
fromAngle a = Rotation (cos a) (sin a)
toVector :: Rotation -> Vector
toVector (Rotation c s) = Vector c s
fromVector :: Vector -> Rotation
fromVector v = Rotation x y
Vector x y = normalized v
diffV :: Vertex -> Vertex -> Vector
diffV :: Vertex -> Vertex -> Vector
diffV (Vertex x1 y1) (Vertex x2 y2) = Vector (x2-x1) (y2-y1)
diffV (Vertex x1 y1) (Vertex x2 y2) = Vector (x2-x1) (y2-y1)
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