Renamed WiimotePlayer to HWiidPlayer
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 16 additions and 16 deletions
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ data-files: tex/*.png
executable: HTanks
hs-source-dirs: src
main-is: HTanks.hs
other-modules: Collision, CPUPlayer, DefaultPlayer, WiimotePlayer, Game, GLDriver, GLX, Level, MainLoop, Paths_htanks, Player, Render, Simulation, Texture, Debris,
other-modules: Collision, CPUPlayer, DefaultPlayer, HWiidPlayer, Game, GLDriver, GLX, Level, MainLoop, Paths_htanks, Player, Render, Simulation, Texture, Debris,
Tank, Bindings.GLX, Bindings.GLPng
--ghc-options: -threaded
extra-libraries: glpng
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import Render
import Player
import CPUPlayer
import DefaultPlayer
import WiimotePlayer
import HWiidPlayer
import Simulation
import Tank
@ -27,14 +27,14 @@ import Foreign.C.Types
main :: IO ()
main = do
let theLevel = testLevel
wiimotePlayer <- newWiimotePlayer
hwiidPlayer <- newHWiidPlayer
gl <- initGL $ glxDriver (levelWidth theLevel) (levelHeight theLevel)
when (initialized gl) $ do
currentTime <- getCurrentTime
let mainState = MainState {run = True, driver = SomeDriver gl, time = currentTime, players =
[ --SomePlayer $ DefaultPlayer S.empty 0 0 False
SomePlayer $ wiimotePlayer
SomePlayer $ hwiidPlayer
, SomePlayer $ CPUPlayer 0
], textures = M.empty}
gameState = GameState {level = theLevel, tanks = [ Tank 5.0 5.0 0 0 1.5 270 False 3 1 5 1
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module WiimotePlayer ( WiimotePlayer
, newWiimotePlayer
module HWiidPlayer ( HWiidPlayer
, newHWiidPlayer
) where
import Control.Monad
@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ import Player
import Tank
data WiimotePlayer = WiimotePlayer Wiimote WiimoteAccCal [(Float, Float)]
data HWiidPlayer = HWiidPlayer Wiimote WiimoteAccCal [(Float, Float)]
deriving (Typeable, Show)
instance Player WiimotePlayer where
playerUpdate (WiimotePlayer wiimote cal oldaims) tank = do
instance Player HWiidPlayer where
playerUpdate (HWiidPlayer wiimote cal oldaims) tank = do
state <- getState wiimote
messages <- getMesg wiimote
@ -59,10 +59,10 @@ instance Player WiimotePlayer where
angle = atan2 my mx
moveangle = if move then Just $ fromRational $ round ((angle - (sin $ 8*x)/8)*1000000*180/pi)%1000000 else Nothing
when foo $ print state
return (WiimotePlayer wiimote cal aims, moveangle, move, aangle, shoot)
return (HWiidPlayer wiimote cal aims, moveangle, move, aangle, shoot)
renderPlayer (WiimotePlayer _ _ []) = return ()
renderPlayer (WiimotePlayer _ _ aims) = unsafePreservingMatrix $ do
renderPlayer (HWiidPlayer _ _ []) = return ()
renderPlayer (HWiidPlayer _ _ aims) = unsafePreservingMatrix $ do
let (x, y) = mulV (1/(fromIntegral $ length aims)) $ foldr addV (0, 0) aims
translate $ Vector3 x y (0 :: GLfloat)
@ -136,13 +136,13 @@ lengthSqV a = dotV a a
lengthV a = sqrt $ lengthSqV a
newWiimotePlayer :: IO WiimotePlayer
newWiimotePlayer = do
newHWiidPlayer :: IO HWiidPlayer
newHWiidPlayer = do
wiimote <- open bdAddrAny (flagMesgInterface .|. flagNonblock)
when (wiimote == nullWiimote) $ fail "Wiimote error"
setReportMode wiimote (reportButtons .|. reportAcc .|. reportIR .|. reportNunchuk)
cal <- getAccCal wiimote extNone
return $ WiimotePlayer wiimote cal []
return $ HWiidPlayer wiimote cal []
test :: (Bits a) => a -> a -> Bool
test field bits = (field .&. bits) == bits
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