Nice tank-border collision detection
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 65 additions and 16 deletions
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ data-files: tex/*.png
executable: HTanks
hs-source-dirs: src
main-is: HTanks.hs
other-modules: CPUPlayer, DefaultPlayer, Game, GLDriver, GLX, Level, MainLoop, Paths_htanks, Player, Render, Simulation, Texture, Bindings.GLX, Bindings.GLPng
ghc-options: -threaded
other-modules: Collision, CPUPlayer, DefaultPlayer, Game, GLDriver, GLX, Level, MainLoop, Paths_htanks, Player, Render, Simulation, Texture,
Bindings.GLX, Bindings.GLPng
ghc-options: -threaded -O2
extra-libraries: glpng
@ -16,4 +16,4 @@ data CPUPlayer = CPUPlayer Micro
deriving (Typeable, Show)
instance Player CPUPlayer where
playerUpdate (CPUPlayer angle) _ = (CPUPlayer (if (angle+0.1) > 180 then angle-359.9 else angle+0.1), Just angle, True, Just (-angle), False)
playerUpdate (CPUPlayer angle) _ = (CPUPlayer (if (angle+0.1) > 180 then angle-359.08 else angle+0.02), Just angle, True, Just (-angle), False)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
module Collision ( collisionTankBorder
) where
import Game
import Data.Fixed
import Data.Ratio
tankWidth :: Micro
tankWidth = 0.95
tankLength :: Micro
tankLength = 0.95
collisionTankBorder :: Micro -> Micro -> Tank -> Tank
collisionTankBorder lw lh tank = tank {tankX = newx, tankY = newy}
dir = (fromRational . toRational . tankDir $ tank)*pi/180
cosd = fromRational (round ((cos dir)*1000000)%1000000)
sind = fromRational (round ((sin dir)*1000000)%1000000)
points = [ (tankLength/2, tankWidth/2)
, (-tankLength/2, tankWidth/2)
, (-tankLength/2, -tankWidth/2)
, (tankLength/2, -tankWidth/2)
rotp (x, y) = (cosd*x - sind*y, sind*x + cosd*y)
transp (x, y) = (x + tankX tank, y + tankY tank)
pointst = map (transp . rotp) points
minx = minimum $ map fst pointst
maxx = maximum $ map fst pointst
miny = minimum $ map snd pointst
maxy = maximum $ map snd pointst
dx = if minx < 0 then (-minx) else if maxx > lw then (-maxx+lw) else 0
dy = if miny < 0 then (-miny) else if maxy > lh then (-maxy+lh) else 0
newx = (tankX tank) + dx
newy = (tankY tank) + dy
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
module Simulation ( simulationStep
) where
import Collision
import Game
import Level
import MainLoop
@ -47,8 +48,8 @@ updateAngle angle = do
modify $ \tank -> tank {tankDir = newangle180}
updateTank :: Maybe Micro -> Bool -> Maybe Micro -> State Tank ()
updateTank angle move aangle = do
updateTank :: GameState -> Maybe Micro -> Bool -> Maybe Micro -> State Tank ()
updateTank game angle move aangle = do
when (isJust angle) $
updateAngle $ fromJust angle
@ -56,19 +57,24 @@ updateTank angle move aangle = do
modify $ \tank -> tank {tankAim = fromJust aangle}
when move $ do
tdir <- gets tankDir
tspeed <- gets tankSpeed
moved <- gets tankMoving
tank <- get
let tdir = tankDir tank
tspeed = tankSpeed tank
moved = tankMoving tank
when (isNothing angle || (isJust angle && (tdir == fromJust angle)) || moved) $ do
let anglej = (fromRational . toRational $ tdir)*pi/180
x = tspeed * fromRational (round ((cos anglej)*1000)%1000000)
y = tspeed * fromRational (round ((sin anglej)*1000)%1000000)
dx = tspeed * fromRational (round ((cos anglej)*1000)%1000000)
dy = tspeed * fromRational (round ((sin anglej)*1000)%1000000)
modify $ \tank -> tank {tankX = x + tankX tank, tankY = y + tankY tank, tankMoving = True}
put tank {tankX = dx + tankX tank, tankY = dy + tankY tank, tankMoving = True}
when (not move) $ do
modify $ \tank -> tank {tankMoving = False}
let lw = fromIntegral . levelWidth . level $ game
lh = fromIntegral . levelHeight . level $ game
modify $ collisionTankBorder lw lh
updateBullet :: GameState -> State Bullet Bool
@ -96,9 +102,10 @@ updateBullet game = do
simulationStep :: Main ()
simulationStep = do
oldplayers <- gets players
oldtanks <- lift $ gets tanks
game <- lift get
let oldtanks = tanks game
let (p, t, s) = unzip3 $ map updateTank' $ zip oldplayers oldtanks
let (p, t, s) = unzip3 $ map (updateTank' game) $ zip oldplayers oldtanks
ts = zip3 t s [0..]
shootingtanks = map (\(tank, _, n) -> (tank, n)) $ filter (\(tank, shoot, _) -> shoot && (tankBulletsLeft tank) > 0) $ ts
newtanks = map (\(tank, shoot, _) -> if (shoot && (tankBulletsLeft tank) > 0) then tank {tankBulletsLeft = (tankBulletsLeft tank) - 1} else tank) $ ts
@ -117,8 +124,8 @@ simulationStep = do
thetanks = map (\(tank, n) -> tank {tankBulletsLeft = (tankBulletsLeft tank) + (countLostTankBullets n thebullets)}) $ zip newtanks [0..]
in state {tanks = thetanks, bullets = map snd . filter fst $ thebullets}
updateTank' (player, tank) = let (p, angle, move, aangle, bullet) = playerUpdate player tank
t = execState (updateTank angle move aangle) tank
in (p, t, bullet)
updateTank' game (player, tank) = let (p, angle, move, aangle, bullet) = playerUpdate player tank
t = execState (updateTank game angle move aangle) tank
in (p, t, bullet)
countLostTankBullets n (x:xs) = (if ((not . fst $ x) && (n == (bulletTank . snd $ x))) then 1 else 0) + (countLostTankBullets n xs)
countLostTankBullets n [] = 0
Reference in a new issue