Moved parts of Main to Simulation module

This commit is contained in:
Matthias Schiffer 2010-03-09 19:53:59 +01:00
parent 9d34024718
commit f3d9814ad5
4 changed files with 160 additions and 133 deletions

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@ -14,6 +14,6 @@ data-files: tex/*.png
executable: HTanks
hs-source-dirs: src
main-is: HTanks.hs
other-modules: CPUPlayer, DefaultPlayer, Game, GLDriver, GLX, Level, Paths_htanks, Player, Render, Texture, Bindings.GLX, Bindings.GLPng
other-modules: CPUPlayer, DefaultPlayer, Game, GLDriver, GLX, Level, MainLoop, Paths_htanks, Player, Render, Simulation, Texture, Bindings.GLX, Bindings.GLPng
ghc-options: -threaded
extra-libraries: glpng

View file

@ -1,39 +1,23 @@
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
import Game
import Level
import MainLoop
import Render
import Player
import CPUPlayer
import DefaultPlayer
import Simulation
import GLDriver
import GLX
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Fixed
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Ratio
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Time.Clock
data MainState = MainState
{ run :: !Bool
, driver :: !SomeDriver
, time :: !UTCTime
, players :: ![SomePlayer]
newtype MainT m a = MainT (StateT MainState m a)
deriving (Monad, MonadState MainState, MonadIO, MonadTrans)
type Main = MainT Game
runMain :: MainState -> Main a -> Game (a, MainState)
runMain st (MainT a) = runStateT a st
import Data.Time
main :: IO ()
@ -88,118 +72,6 @@ mainLoop = do
when runnext mainLoop
updateAngle :: Micro -> State Tank ()
updateAngle angle = do
oldangle <- gets tankDir
tspeed <- gets tankTurnspeed >>= return . (/1000)
let diff = angle - oldangle
let diff360 = if (diff > 180)
then (diff-360)
else if (diff <= -180)
then (diff+360)
else diff
let (diff180, angle180) = if (diff360 > 90)
then (diff360-180, oldangle+180)
else if (diff360 <= -90)
then (diff360+180, oldangle-180)
else (diff360, oldangle)
let turn = if (diff180 > tspeed)
then tspeed
else if (diff180 < -tspeed)
then (-tspeed)
else diff180
let newangle = angle180 + turn
let newangle180 = if (newangle > 180)
then (newangle-360)
else if (newangle <= -180)
then (newangle+360)
else newangle
modify $ \tank -> tank {tankDir = newangle180}
updateTank :: Maybe Micro -> Bool -> Maybe Micro -> State Tank ()
updateTank angle move aangle = do
when (isJust angle) $
updateAngle $ fromJust angle
when (isJust aangle) $
modify $ \tank -> tank {tankAim = fromJust aangle}
when move $ do
tdir <- gets tankDir
tspeed <- gets tankSpeed
moved <- gets tankMoving
when (isNothing angle || (isJust angle && (tdir == fromJust angle)) || moved) $ do
let anglej = (fromRational . toRational $ tdir)*pi/180
x = tspeed * fromRational (round ((cos anglej)*1000)%1000000)
y = tspeed * fromRational (round ((sin anglej)*1000)%1000000)
modify $ \tank -> tank {tankX = x + tankX tank, tankY = y + tankY tank, tankMoving = True}
when (not move) $ do
modify $ \tank -> tank {tankMoving = False}
updateBullet :: GameState -> State Bullet Bool
updateBullet game = do
bullet <- get
let angle = (fromRational . toRational . bulletDir $ bullet)*pi/180
speed = bulletSpeed bullet
dx = speed * fromRational (round ((cos angle)*1000)%1000000)
dy = speed * fromRational (round ((sin angle)*1000)%1000000)
x = dx + bulletX bullet
y = dy + bulletY bullet
lw = fromIntegral . levelWidth . level $ game
lh = fromIntegral . levelHeight . level $ game
dir = bulletDir bullet
bounces = bulletBouncesLeft bullet
(newx, dir2, bounces2) = if x < 0 then (-x, (signum dir)*180 - dir, bounces-1) else if x > lw then (2*lw-x, (signum dir)*180 - dir, bounces-1) else (x, dir, bounces)
(newy, dir3, bounces3) = if y < 0 then (-y, -dir2, bounces2-1) else if y > lh then (2*lh-y, -dir2, bounces2-1) else (y, dir2, bounces2)
put bullet {bulletX = newx, bulletY = newy, bulletDir = dir3, bulletBouncesLeft = bounces3}
return (bounces3 >= 0)
simulationStep :: Main ()
simulationStep = do
oldplayers <- gets players
oldtanks <- lift $ gets tanks
let (p, t, s) = unzip3 $ map updateTank' $ zip oldplayers oldtanks
ts = zip3 t s [0..]
shootingtanks = map (\(tank, _, n) -> (tank, n)) $ filter (\(tank, shoot, _) -> shoot && (tankBulletsLeft tank) > 0) $ ts
newtanks = map (\(tank, shoot, _) -> if (shoot && (tankBulletsLeft tank) > 0) then tank {tankBulletsLeft = (tankBulletsLeft tank) - 1} else tank) $ ts
newbullets = map (\(tank, n) -> Bullet
{ bulletX = tankX tank
, bulletY = tankY tank
, bulletDir = tankAim tank
, bulletSpeed = tankBulletSpeed tank
, bulletBouncesLeft = tankBulletBounces tank
, bulletTank = n
}) shootingtanks
modify $ \state -> state {players = p}
lift $ modify $ \state ->
let thebullets = map (runState $ updateBullet state) $ newbullets ++ bullets state
thetanks = map (\(tank, n) -> tank {tankBulletsLeft = (tankBulletsLeft tank) + (countLostTankBullets n thebullets)}) $ zip newtanks [0..]
in state {tanks = thetanks, bullets = map snd . filter fst $ thebullets}
updateTank' (player, tank) = let (p, angle, move, aangle, bullet) = playerUpdate player tank
t = execState (updateTank angle move aangle) tank
in (p, t, bullet)
countLostTankBullets n (x:xs) = (if ((not . fst $ x) && (n == (bulletTank . snd $ x))) then 1 else 0) + (countLostTankBullets n xs)
countLostTankBullets n [] = 0
handleEvents :: Main ()
handleEvents = do
(newgl, event) <- gets driver >>= liftIO . nextEvent

src/MainLoop.hs Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module MainLoop ( MainState(..)
, MainT(..)
, Main
, runMain
) where
import Game
import GLDriver
import Player
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Data.Time
data MainState = MainState
{ run :: !Bool
, driver :: !SomeDriver
, time :: !UTCTime
, players :: ![SomePlayer]
newtype MainT m a = MainT (StateT MainState m a)
deriving (Monad, MonadState MainState, MonadIO, MonadTrans)
type Main = MainT Game
runMain :: MainState -> Main a -> Game (a, MainState)
runMain st (MainT a) = runStateT a st

src/Simulation.hs Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
module Simulation ( simulationStep
) where
import Game
import Level
import MainLoop
import Player
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Fixed
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Ratio
updateAngle :: Micro -> State Tank ()
updateAngle angle = do
oldangle <- gets tankDir
tspeed <- gets tankTurnspeed >>= return . (/1000)
let diff = angle - oldangle
let diff360 = if (diff > 180)
then (diff-360)
else if (diff <= -180)
then (diff+360)
else diff
let (diff180, angle180) = if (diff360 > 90)
then (diff360-180, oldangle+180)
else if (diff360 <= -90)
then (diff360+180, oldangle-180)
else (diff360, oldangle)
let turn = if (diff180 > tspeed)
then tspeed
else if (diff180 < -tspeed)
then (-tspeed)
else diff180
let newangle = angle180 + turn
let newangle180 = if (newangle > 180)
then (newangle-360)
else if (newangle <= -180)
then (newangle+360)
else newangle
modify $ \tank -> tank {tankDir = newangle180}
updateTank :: Maybe Micro -> Bool -> Maybe Micro -> State Tank ()
updateTank angle move aangle = do
when (isJust angle) $
updateAngle $ fromJust angle
when (isJust aangle) $
modify $ \tank -> tank {tankAim = fromJust aangle}
when move $ do
tdir <- gets tankDir
tspeed <- gets tankSpeed
moved <- gets tankMoving
when (isNothing angle || (isJust angle && (tdir == fromJust angle)) || moved) $ do
let anglej = (fromRational . toRational $ tdir)*pi/180
x = tspeed * fromRational (round ((cos anglej)*1000)%1000000)
y = tspeed * fromRational (round ((sin anglej)*1000)%1000000)
modify $ \tank -> tank {tankX = x + tankX tank, tankY = y + tankY tank, tankMoving = True}
when (not move) $ do
modify $ \tank -> tank {tankMoving = False}
updateBullet :: GameState -> State Bullet Bool
updateBullet game = do
bullet <- get
let angle = (fromRational . toRational . bulletDir $ bullet)*pi/180
speed = bulletSpeed bullet
dx = speed * fromRational (round ((cos angle)*1000)%1000000)
dy = speed * fromRational (round ((sin angle)*1000)%1000000)
x = dx + bulletX bullet
y = dy + bulletY bullet
lw = fromIntegral . levelWidth . level $ game
lh = fromIntegral . levelHeight . level $ game
dir = bulletDir bullet
bounces = bulletBouncesLeft bullet
(newx, dir2, bounces2) = if x < 0 then (-x, (signum dir)*180 - dir, bounces-1) else if x > lw then (2*lw-x, (signum dir)*180 - dir, bounces-1) else (x, dir, bounces)
(newy, dir3, bounces3) = if y < 0 then (-y, -dir2, bounces2-1) else if y > lh then (2*lh-y, -dir2, bounces2-1) else (y, dir2, bounces2)
put bullet {bulletX = newx, bulletY = newy, bulletDir = dir3, bulletBouncesLeft = bounces3}
return (bounces3 >= 0)
simulationStep :: Main ()
simulationStep = do
oldplayers <- gets players
oldtanks <- lift $ gets tanks
let (p, t, s) = unzip3 $ map updateTank' $ zip oldplayers oldtanks
ts = zip3 t s [0..]
shootingtanks = map (\(tank, _, n) -> (tank, n)) $ filter (\(tank, shoot, _) -> shoot && (tankBulletsLeft tank) > 0) $ ts
newtanks = map (\(tank, shoot, _) -> if (shoot && (tankBulletsLeft tank) > 0) then tank {tankBulletsLeft = (tankBulletsLeft tank) - 1} else tank) $ ts
newbullets = map (\(tank, n) -> Bullet
{ bulletX = tankX tank
, bulletY = tankY tank
, bulletDir = tankAim tank
, bulletSpeed = tankBulletSpeed tank
, bulletBouncesLeft = tankBulletBounces tank
, bulletTank = n
}) shootingtanks
modify $ \state -> state {players = p}
lift $ modify $ \state ->
let thebullets = map (runState $ updateBullet state) $ newbullets ++ bullets state
thetanks = map (\(tank, n) -> tank {tankBulletsLeft = (tankBulletsLeft tank) + (countLostTankBullets n thebullets)}) $ zip newtanks [0..]
in state {tanks = thetanks, bullets = map snd . filter fst $ thebullets}
updateTank' (player, tank) = let (p, angle, move, aangle, bullet) = playerUpdate player tank
t = execState (updateTank angle move aangle) tank
in (p, t, bullet)
countLostTankBullets n (x:xs) = (if ((not . fst $ x) && (n == (bulletTank . snd $ x))) then 1 else 0) + (countLostTankBullets n xs)
countLostTankBullets n [] = 0