Added nunchuk support

This commit is contained in:
Matthias Schiffer 2010-04-08 16:00:01 +02:00
parent d6b28723a2
commit f86af7816c
2 changed files with 18 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -66,7 +66,6 @@ mainLoop = do
liftIO $ usleep gl $ truncate $ 1e6*(minFrameTime - drender)
currenttime <- liftIO getCurrentTime
liftIO $ print $ diffUTCTime currenttime rtime
let d = round $ 1e2*(diffUTCTime currenttime t)
replicateM_ d simulationStep

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@ -18,18 +18,31 @@ data WiimotePlayer = WiimotePlayer Wiimote
instance Player WiimotePlayer where
playerUpdate (WiimotePlayer wiimote) tank = do
buttons <- hwiidGetState wiimote >>= return . stateButtons
state <- hwiidGetState wiimote
messages <- hwiidGetMesg wiimote
let shoot = any (\m -> (mesgType m == hwiidMesgTypeButton) && (test (mesgButtons m) hwiidButtonB)) $ messages
let buttons = stateButtons state
shoot = any (\m -> (mesgType m == hwiidMesgTypeButton) && (test (mesgButtons m) hwiidButtonB)) $ messages
foo = any (\m -> (mesgType m == hwiidMesgTypeButton) && (test (mesgButtons m) hwiidButtonA)) $ messages
x = (if (test buttons hwiidButtonLeft) then (-1) else 0) + (if (test buttons hwiidButtonRight) then 1 else 0)
y = (if (test buttons hwiidButtonDown) then (-1) else 0) + (if (test buttons hwiidButtonUp) then 1 else 0)
ext = stateExt state
(mx, my) <- if (extType ext) /= hwiidExtNunchuk
then return (x, y)
else do
let nx = ((fromIntegral . extNunchukStickX $ ext) - 0x80)/0x80
ny = ((fromIntegral . extNunchukStickY $ ext) - 0x80)/0x80
return $ if (nx*nx + ny*ny) < 0.4 then (x, y) else (x+nx, y+ny)
--ax = aimx - (fromRational . toRational . tankX $ tank)
--ay = aimy - (fromRational . toRational . tankY $ tank)
move = (x /= 0 || y /= 0)
let move = (mx /= 0 || my /= 0)
angle = if move then Just $ fromRational $ round ((atan2 my mx)*1000000*180/pi)%1000000 else Nothing
angle = if move then Just $ fromRational $ round ((atan2 y x)*1000000*180/pi)%1000000 else Nothing
--aangle = if (ax /= 0 || ay /= 0) then Just $ fromRational $ round ((atan2 ay ax)*1000000*180/pi)%1000000 else Nothing
when foo $ print state
return (WiimotePlayer wiimote, angle, move, Nothing, shoot)
@ -37,7 +50,7 @@ newWiimotePlayer :: IO WiimotePlayer
newWiimotePlayer = do
wiimote <- hwiidOpen bdAddrAny (hwiidFlagMesgInterface .|. hwiidFlagNonblock)
when (wiimote == nullWiimote) $ fail "Wiimote error"
hwiidSetReportMode wiimote hwiidReportButtons
hwiidSetReportMode wiimote (hwiidReportButtons .|. hwiidReportIR .|. hwiidReportNunchuk)
return $ WiimotePlayer wiimote
test :: (Bits a) => a -> a -> Bool