path: root/qfixSoccerBoard.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'qfixSoccerBoard.c')
1 files changed, 299 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/qfixSoccerBoard.c b/qfixSoccerBoard.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06bd3b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qfixSoccerBoard.c
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+#include "qfixSoccerBoard.h"
+static int speedMotor0 = 0;
+static int speedMotor1 = 0;
+//static int speedMotor2 = 0;
+//static int speedMotor3 = 0;
+//static int speedMotor4 = 0;
+//static int speedMotor5 = 0;
+static unsigned long timerVal = 0;
+static unsigned long sleepVal = 0;
+static int beepFreq = 0;
+static int beepFreqTimer = 0;
+static long beepTimer = 0;
+// PWM routine //
+ const int OFFSET=50; // motor does not work with very low ratio
+ static int counter=255+OFFSET;
+ if (speedMotor0==0) cbi(PORTB, 3); // enable1 = 0
+ else if (abs(speedMotor0)+OFFSET >= counter) sbi(PORTB, 3); // enable1 = 1
+ else cbi(PORTB, 3); // enable1 = 0
+ if (speedMotor1==0) cbi(PORTG, 2); // enable2 = 0
+ else if (abs(speedMotor1)+OFFSET >= counter) sbi(PORTG, 2); // enable2 = 1
+ else cbi(PORTG, 2); // enable2 = 0
+ /*if (speedMotor2==0) cbi(PORTB, 4); // enable3 = 0
+ else if (abs(speedMotor2)+OFFSET >= counter) sbi(PORTB, 4); // enable3 = 1
+ else cbi(PORTB, 4); // enable3 = 0
+ if (speedMotor3==0) cbi(PORTB, 6); // enable4 = 0
+ else if (abs(speedMotor3)+OFFSET >= counter) sbi(PORTB, 6); // enable4 = 1
+ else cbi(PORTB, 6); // enable4 = 0
+ if (speedMotor4==0) cbi(PORTB, 5); // enable5 = 0
+ else if (abs(speedMotor4)+OFFSET >= counter) sbi(PORTB, 5); // enable5 = 1
+ else cbi(PORTB, 5); // enable5 = 0
+ if (speedMotor5==0) cbi(PORTB, 7); // enable6 = 0
+ else if (abs(speedMotor5)+OFFSET >= counter) sbi(PORTB, 7); // enable6 = 1
+ else cbi(PORTB, 7); // enable6 = 0*/
+ if (counter==0) counter=255+OFFSET;
+ else counter--;
+ if(timerVal > 0) timerVal--;
+ if(sleepVal > 0) sleepVal--;
+ if(beepTimer > 0) beepTimer--;
+ if(beepTimer == 0) cbi(PORTB, 4);
+ else {
+ if(beepFreqTimer) beepFreqTimer--;
+ else beepFreqTimer = beepFreq;
+ if(beepFreqTimer > beepFreq/2) sbi(PORTB, 4);
+ else cbi(PORTB, 4);
+ }
+void initTimer()
+ TIMSK0=1; // timer 0 overflow for interrupt (8 bit timer)
+ TCCR0A=2; // prescaler 8 => 0.5us
+ TCNT0=56;
+ sei(); // enable interrupts
+ // PORT A: Digital In (PA0, PA1) //
+ DDRA= 255 - (1+2); // all bits output (motor direction) except PA0,PA1 (digital in)
+ PORTA=1+2; // set pullups for digital in
+ // PORT B: LEDs (PB0, PB2), Motor enable (PB3-PB7) //
+ DDRB = 1+4; // PB0 + PB4 = LEDs -> output
+ DDRB |= 8+16+32+64+128; // PB3 - PB7 = Motor enable -> output
+ PORTB |= 1+4; // set bits 0 and 2 -> LEDs off
+ PORTB &= 255-(8+16+32+64+128); // clear bits 3-7 -> motor disable
+ // PORT C: Power Output //
+ DDRC = 255; // direction port D, all bits output
+ PORTC = 0; // clear all bits -> power on
+ // PORT D: I2C, USB, CAN //
+ DDRD = 0; // all bits input
+ PORTD = 1+2; // set bits 0,1 -> I2C pullUps
+ // PORT E: Digital In (PE2 - PE7) //
+ DDRE=0; // all bits input
+ PORTE=4+8+16+32+64+128; // set pullups for digital in
+ // PORT F: Analog In //
+ DDRF=0; // all bits input
+ ADCSRA=128; // set A/D enable bit (ADEN)
+ // PORT G: Buttons (PG3, PG4), motor enable (PG2)
+ DDRG = BV(PG2); // PG2 output
+ PORTG= BV(PG3)+BV(PG4); // set pullups for buttons
+ cbi(PORTG,PG2); // clear PG2 -> motor disable
+ initTimer();
+void SoccerBoard::ledOn(int i)
+ if (i==0) cbi(PORTB, PB0); // clear bit -> LED on
+ else if (i==1) cbi(PORTB, PB2); // clear bit -> LED on
+void SoccerBoard::ledOff(int i)
+ if (i==0) sbi(PORTB, PB0); // set bit -> LED off
+ else if (i==1) sbi(PORTB, PB2); // set bit -> LED off
+void SoccerBoard::ledsOff()
+ PORTB|=BV(PB0)+BV(PB2); // set bits -> LEDs off
+void SoccerBoard::led(int i, bool state)
+ if (state) ledOn(i); else ledOff(i);
+void SoccerBoard::powerOn(int i)
+ if ((i<0) || (i>7)) return;
+ cbi(PORTC, i);
+void SoccerBoard::powerOff(int i)
+ if ((i<0) || (i>7)) return;
+ sbi(PORTC, i);
+void SoccerBoard::power(int i, bool state)
+ if (state) powerOn(i); else powerOff(i);
+bool SoccerBoard::button(int i)
+ if (i==0) return ( (PING & BV(PG4)) == 0);
+ else if (i==1) return ( (PING & BV(PG3)) == 0);
+ else return false; // bad approach...
+void SoccerBoard::ledMeter(int i,int maxvalue = 256)
+ //led(0, (i>100)); //modified by meyma
+ //led(1, (i>200));
+ if(i < (maxvalue / 4))
+ {
+ ledOff(0);
+ ledOff(1);
+ }
+ else if(i < (maxvalue / 2))
+ {
+ ledOn(0);
+ ledOff(1);
+ }
+ else if(i < ((maxvalue /4) * 3))
+ {
+ ledOff(0);
+ ledOn(1);
+ }
+ else {
+ ledOn(0);
+ ledOn(1);
+ }
+void SoccerBoard::motor(int i, int speed)
+ if ((i<0) || (i>1)) return;
+ if (i==0) {
+ speedMotor0 = speed;
+ if (speed>0) sbi(PORTA, 3); // input1 = 1
+ else cbi(PORTA, 3); // input1 = 0
+ }
+ else if (i==1) {
+ speedMotor1 = speed;
+ if (speed>0) sbi(PORTA, 2); // input2 = 1
+ else cbi(PORTA, 2); // input2 = 0
+ }
+ /*else if (i==2) {
+ speedMotor2 = speed;
+ if (speed>0) sbi(PORTA, 5); // input3 = 1
+ else cbi(PORTA, 5); // input3 = 0
+ }
+ else if (i==3) {
+ speedMotor3 = speed;
+ if (speed>0) sbi(PORTA, 4); // input4 = 1
+ else cbi(PORTA, 4); // input4 = 0
+ }
+ else if (i==4) {
+ speedMotor4 = speed;
+ if (speed>0) sbi(PORTA, 7); // input5 = 1
+ else cbi(PORTA, 7); // input5 = 0
+ }
+ else if (i==5) {
+ speedMotor5 = speed;
+ if (speed>0) sbi(PORTA, 6); // input6 = 1
+ else cbi(PORTA, 6); // input6 = 0
+ }*/
+void SoccerBoard::motorsOff()
+ motor(0,0);
+ motor(1,0);
+ motor(2,0);
+ motor(3,0);
+ motor(4,0);
+ motor(5,0);
+// return 0-255 //
+int SoccerBoard::analog(int i)
+ if ((i<0) || (i>7)) return -1;
+ ADMUX=i; // select analog input and start A/D
+ sbi(ADMUX, ADLAR); // left adjust -> we use only ADCH
+ sbi(ADCSRA, ADSC); // start conversion
+ while (ADCSRA & 64); // wait until ADSC is low again
+ int value = ADCH; // read 8 bit value fom ADCH
+ return value;
+bool SoccerBoard::digital(int i)
+ if ((i<0) || (i>7)) return false; // bad solution...
+ if (i==0) return (PINA & 1);
+ else if (i==1) return (PINA & 2);
+ else return (PINE & (1<<i)) ;
+void SoccerBoard::waitForButton(int i)
+ if ((i<0) || (i>3)) return; // bad solution...
+ while (!button(i)) { /* do nothing */ }
+ while (button(i)) { /* do nothing */ }
+void SoccerBoard::beep(int freq) {
+ beep(freq, -1);
+void SoccerBoard::beep(int freq, long msecs) {
+ beepTimer = 7*msecs;
+ beepFreq = 7000 / freq;
+void SoccerBoard::beepOff() {
+ beepTimer = 0;
+void SoccerBoard::setTimer(unsigned long msecs) {
+ timerVal = 7*msecs;
+bool SoccerBoard::timer() {
+ return (timerVal <= 0);
+void SoccerBoard::sleep(unsigned long msecs) {
+ sleepVal = 7*msecs;
+ while(sleepVal > 0);