diff options
authorMatthias Schiffer <>2010-02-16 11:45:32 +0100
committerMatthias Schiffer <>2010-02-16 11:45:32 +0100
commite2f3a1393658bae1d8c88cacc159a7e4d1a398b8 (patch)
parenta1af240919cd4922041b4653bb9ca8c38c729551 (diff)
Added mouse binding and changed layouts
3 files changed, 26 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee6844f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/lib/FullscreenManager.hs b/lib/FullscreenManager.hs
index ac1907f..95a6ff2 100644
--- a/lib/FullscreenManager.hs
+++ b/lib/FullscreenManager.hs
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ instance LayoutModifier FullscreenManager Window where
-isFloating :: Window -> X (Bool)
+isFloating :: Window -> X Bool
isFloating w = gets windowset >>= \ws -> return $ M.member w (W.floating ws)
diff --git a/xmonad.hs b/xmonad.hs
index 7dd1d14..be1d1e9 100644
--- a/xmonad.hs
+++ b/xmonad.hs
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import XMonad.Actions.CycleWS
import XMonad.Actions.NoBorders
import XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks
import XMonad.Hooks.ManageHelpers
+import XMonad.Layout.ResizableTile
import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
import XMonad.Util.EZConfig
@@ -17,27 +18,37 @@ import FullscreenManager
import NoBorders
+myModMask = mod4Mask
main = xmonad $ gnomeConfig
- { modMask = mod4Mask -- set the mod key to the windows key
+ { modMask = myModMask
, manageHook = myManageHook
, layoutHook = desktopLayoutModifiers myLayoutHook
, startupHook = myStartupHook
, handleEventHook = myEventHook
- [ ("M-<Left>", prevWS )
- , ("M-<Right>", nextWS )
- , ("M-S-<Left>", shiftToPrev )
- , ("M-S-<Right>", shiftToNext )
+ [ ("M-a", sendMessage MirrorShrink)
+ , ("M-y", sendMessage MirrorExpand)
+ , ("M-<Left>", prevWS)
+ , ("M-<Right>", nextWS)
+ , ("M-S-<Left>", shiftToPrev)
+ , ("M-S-<Right>", shiftToNext)
, ("M-S-b", withFocused toggleBorder >> refresh)
, ("M1-<F4>", kill)
+ `additionalMouseBindings`
+ [ ((myModMask, button4), \_ -> sendMessage Shrink)
+ , ((myModMask, button5), \_ -> sendMessage Expand)
+ , ((myModMask .|. shiftMask, button4), \_ -> sendMessage MirrorExpand)
+ , ((myModMask .|. shiftMask, button5), \_ -> sendMessage MirrorShrink)
+ ]
myStartupHook :: X ()
myStartupHook = do
startupHook gnomeConfig
- spawn "xcompmgr"
+ spawn "killall -u `id -un` -q xcompmgr; exec xcompmgr"
myManageHook :: ManageHook
myManageHook = composeAll
@@ -53,16 +64,16 @@ myManageHook = composeAll
-myLayoutHook = manageFullscreen $ configureBorders $ smartBorders (tiled ||| Mirror tiled ||| Full)
+myLayoutHook = manageFullscreen $ configureBorders $ smartBorders (tiled ||| Mirror tiled ||| Full)
-- default tiling algorithm partitions the screen into two panes
- tiled = Tall nmaster delta ratio
+ tiled = ResizableTall nmaster delta ratio []
-- The default number of windows in the master pane
nmaster = 1
-- Default proportion of screen occupied by master pane
- ratio = 1/2
+ ratio = 3/5
-- Percent of screen to increment by when resizing panes
delta = 3/100