Uses of Interface

Packages that use IView

Uses of IView in jrummikub.control

Fields in jrummikub.control declared as IView
private  IView LoginControl.view
private  IView RoundControl.view
protected  IView AbstractSettingsControl.view
private  IView ApplicationControl.view
protected  IView GameControl.view
private  IView TurnTimer.view

Constructors in jrummikub.control with parameters of type IView
AbstractSettingsControl(IView view, GameSettings settings)
          Create a new settings control
ApplicationControl(IView view)
          Creates a new application control
GameControl(GameSettings gameSettings, SaveControl saveControl, IView view)
LoginControl(IView view, ApplicationControl applicationControl)
          Constructor for login Control
RoundControl(IRoundState roundState, IView view)
          Create a new RoundControl using the given roundState and view
RoundControl(IRoundState roundState, IView view, boolean mayPause)
          Create a new RoundControl using the given roundState and view
SaveControl(IView view)
          Creates a new SaveControl
SettingsControl(IView view, GameSettings settings)
          Create a new settings control
TurnTimer(IView view, int totalTime)
          Create a new timer using a given view to display the current time left

Uses of IView in

Fields in declared as IView
private  IView NetworkControl.view
protected  IView AbstractGameBeginControl.view

Methods in with parameters of type IView
private  void AbstractGameBeginControl.addViewListeners(IView view, GameData gameData)

Constructors in with parameters of type IView
AbstractGameBeginControl(IConnectionControl connection, IView view, GameData gameData, ISettingsPanel.SettingsMode settingsMode)
          Create a new game begin control
GameJoinControl(IConnectionControl connectionControl, GameData gameData, IView view)
          Creates new game join control
GameOfferControl(IConnectionControl connectionControl, GameSettings settings, IView view)
          Creates new game offer control
NetworkControl(LoginData loginData, IConnectionControl connectionControl, SaveControl saveControl, IView view)
          Creates a new network control
NetworkGameControl(GameSettings gameSettings, SaveControl saveControl, IView view, IConnectionControl connectionControl, boolean host)
          Creates new network game control
NetworkRoundControl(IRoundState roundState, IView view, IConnectionControl connectionControl, boolean startActive)
          Creates new network round control
NetworkSettingsControl(java.lang.String nickname, IView view, GameSettings settings)
          Creates a new network settings control

Uses of IView in jrummikub.control.turn

Fields in jrummikub.control.turn declared as IView
protected  IView AbstractTurnControl.view

Methods in jrummikub.control.turn with parameters of type IView
 void AbstractTurnControl.setup(ITurnControl.TurnInfo info, GameSettings settings, IView view)
 void ITurnControl.setup(ITurnControl.TurnInfo info, GameSettings settings, IView view)
          Start the turn

Uses of IView in jrummikub.view.impl

Classes in jrummikub.view.impl that implement IView
 class View
          Implementation of the top-level view interface