path: root/doc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doc')
6 files changed, 852 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/sbase/VERSION b/doc/sbase/VERSION
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66c4c22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/sbase/VERSION
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/doc/sbase/dist/ b/doc/sbase/dist/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f42e631
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/sbase/dist/
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+# $Id$
+# HTML-specific driver stuff
+# © Copyright 1996, Cees de Groot
+package SGMLTools::fmt_html;
+use strict;
+use SGMLTools::CharEnts;
+use SGMLTools::Vars;
+use SGMLTools::FixRef;
+my $fixref = $SGMLTools::FixRef::fixref;
+use SGMLTools::Html2Html;
+my $html2html = $SGMLTools::Html2Html::html2html;
+my $html = {};
+$html->{NAME} = "html";
+$html->{HELP} = "";
+$html->{OPTIONS} = [
+ { option => "split", type => "l",
+ 'values' => [ "0", "1", "2" ], short => "s" },
+ { option => "dosnames", type => "f", short => "h" },
+ { option => "imagebuttons", type => "f", short => "I"}
+$html->{'split'} = 1;
+$html->{dosnames} = 0;
+$html->{imagebuttons} = 0;
+$html->{preNSGMLS} = sub {
+ $global->{NsgmlsOpts} .= " -ifmthtml ";
+$Formats{$html->{NAME}} = $html;
+# HTML escape sub. this is called-back by `parse_data' below in
+# `html_preASP' to properly escape `<' and `&' characters coming from
+# the SGML source.
+my %html_escapes;
+$html_escapes{'&'} = '&amp;';
+$html_escapes{'<'} = '&lt;';
+my $html_escape = sub {
+ my ($data) = @_;
+ # replace the char with it's HTML equivalent
+ $data =~ s|([&<])|$html_escapes{$1}|ge;
+ return ($data);
+# Translate character entities and escape HTML special chars.
+$html->{preASP} = sub
+ my ($infile, $outfile) = @_;
+ # note the conversion of `sdata_dirs' list to an anonymous array to
+ # make a single argument
+ my $char_maps = load_char_maps ('.2html', [ Text::EntityMap::sdata_dirs() ]);
+ while (<$infile>)
+ {
+ if (/^-/)
+ {
+ my ($str) = $';
+ chop ($str);
+ print $outfile "-" . parse_data ($str, $char_maps, $html_escape) . "\n";
+ }
+ elsif (/^A/)
+ {
+ || die "bad attribute data: $_\n";
+ my ($name,$type,$value) = ($1,$2,$4);
+ if ($type eq "CDATA")
+ {
+ # CDATA attributes get translated also
+ $value = parse_data ($value, $char_maps, $html_escape);
+ }
+ print $outfile "A$name $type $value\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print $outfile $_;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+# Take the sgmlsasp output, and make something
+# useful from it.
+$html->{postASP} = sub
+ my $infile = shift;
+ my $filename = $global->{filename};
+ #
+ # Set various stuff as a result of option processing.
+ #
+ my $ext = "html";
+ $ext = "htm" if $html->{dosnames};
+ my $img = 0;
+ $img = 1 if $html->{imagebuttons};
+ #
+ # Bring in file
+ #
+ my @file = <$infile>;
+ #
+ # Find references
+ #
+ &{$fixref->{init}}($html->{'split'});
+ LINE: foreach (@file) {
+ foreach my $pat (keys %{$fixref->{rules}}) {
+ if (/$pat/) {
+ # Call rule function then skip to next line
+ &{$fixref->{rules}->{$pat}}; next LINE;
+ }
+ }
+ &{$fixref->{defaultrule}};
+ }
+ &{$fixref->{finish}};
+ #
+ # Run through html2html, preserving stdout
+ # Also, handle prehtml.sed's tasks
+ #
+ open SAVEOUT, ">&STDOUT";
+ open STDOUT, ">$filename.$ext" or die qq(Cannot open "$filename.$ext");
+ &{$html2html->{init}}($html->{'split'}, $ext, $img, $filename,
+ $fixref->{filenum}, $fixref->{lrec});
+ LINE: foreach (@file) {
+ s,<P></P>,,g; # remove empty <P></P> containers
+ foreach my $pat (keys %{$html2html->{rules}}) {
+ if (/$pat/) {
+ # Call rule function then skip to next line
+ &{$html2html->{rules}->{$pat}}; next LINE;
+ }
+ }
+ &{$html2html->{defaultrule}};
+ }
+ &{$html2html->{finish}};
+ close STDOUT;
+ open STDOUT, ">&SAVEOUT";
+ return 0;
diff --git a/doc/sbase/dist/ b/doc/sbase/dist/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03b07f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/sbase/dist/
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+# $Id$
+# LaTeX-specific driver stuff
+# © Copyright 1996, Cees de Groot
+package SGMLTools::fmt_latex2e;
+use strict;
+use SGMLTools::CharEnts;
+use SGMLTools::Vars;
+use SGMLTools::Lang;
+use File::Copy;
+my $latex2e = {};
+$latex2e->{NAME} = "latex2e";
+$latex2e->{HELP} = <<EOF;
+ Note that this output format requires LaTeX 2e.
+$latex2e->{OPTIONS} = [
+ { option => "output", type => "l",
+ 'values' => [ "dvi", "tex", "ps" ], short => "o" },
+ { option => "bibtex", type => "f", short => "b" },
+ { option => "makeindex", type => "f", short => "m" },
+ { option => "pagenumber", type => "i", short => "n" },
+ { option => "quick", type => "f", short => "q" }
+$latex2e->{output} = "dvi";
+$latex2e->{pagenumber} = 1;
+$latex2e->{quick} = 0;
+$latex2e->{bibtex} = 0;
+$latex2e->{makeindex} = 0;
+$latex2e->{preNSGMLS} = sub {
+ $global->{NsgmlsOpts} .= " -ifmttex ";
+$Formats{$latex2e->{NAME}} = $latex2e;
+# extra `\\' here for standard `nsgmls' output
+my %latex2e_escapes;
+$latex2e_escapes{'#'} = '\\\\#';
+$latex2e_escapes{'$'} = '\\\\$';
+$latex2e_escapes{'%'} = '\\\\%';
+$latex2e_escapes{'&'} = '\\\\&';
+$latex2e_escapes{'~'} = '\\\\~{}';
+$latex2e_escapes{'_'} = '\\\\_';
+$latex2e_escapes{'^'} = '\\\\^{}';
+$latex2e_escapes{'\\'} = '\\verb+\\+';
+$latex2e_escapes{'{'} = '\\\\{';
+$latex2e_escapes{'}'} = '\\\\}';
+$latex2e_escapes{'>'} = '{$>$}';
+$latex2e_escapes{'<'} = '{$<$}'; # wouldn't happen, but that's what'd be
+$latex2e_escapes{'|'} = '{$|$}';
+my $in_verb;
+# passed to `parse_data' below in latex2e_preASP
+my $latex2e_escape = sub {
+ my ($data) = @_;
+ if (!$in_verb) {
+ # escape special characters
+ $data =~ s|([#\$%&~_^\\{}<>\|])|$latex2e_escapes{$1}|ge;
+ }
+ return ($data);
+# Translate character entities and escape LaTeX special chars.
+$latex2e->{preASP} = sub
+ my ($infile, $outfile) = @_;
+ # note the conversion of `sdata_dirs' list to an anonymous array to
+ # make a single argument
+ my $tex_char_maps = load_char_maps ('.2tex', [ Text::EntityMap::sdata_dirs() ]);
+ # ASCII char maps are used in the verbatim environment because TeX
+ # ignores all the escapes
+ my $ascii_char_maps = load_char_maps ('.2ab', [ Text::EntityMap::sdata_dirs() ]);
+ $ascii_char_maps = load_char_maps ('.2l1b', [ Text::EntityMap::sdata_dirs() ]) if $global->{charset} eq "latin";
+ my $char_maps = $tex_char_maps;
+ # used in `latex2e_escape' anonymous sub to switch between escaping
+ # characters from SGML source or not, depending on whether we're in
+ # a VERB or CODE environment or not
+ $in_verb = 0;
+ while (<$infile>)
+ {
+ if (/^-/)
+ {
+ my ($str) = $';
+ chop ($str);
+ print $outfile "-" . parse_data ($str, $char_maps, $latex2e_escape) . "\n";
+ }
+ elsif (/^A/)
+ {
+ || die "bad attribute data: $_\n";
+ my ($name,$type,$value) = ($1,$2,$4);
+ if ($type eq "CDATA")
+ {
+ # CDATA attributes get translated also
+ if ($name eq "URL" or $name eq "ID")
+ {
+ # URL for url.sty is a kind of verbatim...
+ my $old_verb = $in_verb;
+ $in_verb = 1;
+ $value = parse_data ($value, $ascii_char_maps,
+ $latex2e_escape);
+ $in_verb = $old_verb;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $value = parse_data ($value, $char_maps, $latex2e_escape);
+ }
+ }
+ print $outfile "A$name $type $value\n";
+ }
+ elsif (/^\((VERB|CODE)/)
+ {
+ print $outfile $_;
+ # going into VERB/CODE section
+ $in_verb = 1;
+ $char_maps = $ascii_char_maps;
+ }
+ elsif (/^\)(VERB|CODE)/)
+ {
+ print $outfile $_;
+ # leaving VERB/CODE section
+ $in_verb = 0;
+ $char_maps = $tex_char_maps;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print $outfile $_;
+ }
+ }
+# Take the sgmlsasp output, and make something
+# useful from it.
+$latex2e->{postASP} = sub
+ my $infile = shift;
+ my $filename = $global->{filename};
+ $ENV{TEXINPUTS} .= ":$main::LibDir";
+ #
+ # Set the correct \documentclass options. The if statement is just
+ # a small optimization.
+ #
+ if ($global->{language} ne "en" ||
+ $global->{papersize} ne "a4" ||
+ $latex2e->{pagenumber} != 1 ||
+ $global->{pass} ne "" ||
+ $latex2e->{makeindex})
+ {
+ my $langlit = ISO2English ($global->{language});
+ $langlit = ($langlit eq 'english') ? "" : ",$langlit";
+ my $replace = $global->{papersize} . 'paper' . $langlit;
+ open OUTFILE, ">$filename.tex";
+ while (<$infile>)
+ {
+ if (/^\\documentclass/)
+ {
+ s/\\documentclass\[.*\]/\\documentclass\[$replace\]/;
+ $_ = $_ . "\\makeindex\n" if ($latex2e->{makeindex});
+ }
+ if (/%end-preamble/)
+ {
+ if ($latex2e->{pagenumber})
+ {
+ $_ = $_ . '\setcounter{page}{'.
+ $latex2e->{pagenumber} . "}\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $_ = $_ . "\\pagestyle{empty}\n";
+ }
+ $_ = $_ . $global->{pass} . "\n" if ($global->{pass});
+ }
+ print OUTFILE;
+ }
+ close OUTFILE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ copy ($infile, "$filename.tex");
+ }
+ #
+ # LaTeX, dvips, and assorted cleanups.
+ #
+ if ($latex2e->{output} eq "tex")
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ #
+ # Run LaTeX in nonstop mode so it won't prompt & hang on errors.
+ # Suppress the output of LaTeX on all but the last pass, after
+ # references have been resolved. This avoids large numbers of
+ # spurious warnings.
+ #
+ my ($latexcommand) = "latex '\\nonstopmode\\input{$filename.tex}'";
+ my ($suppress) = $latex2e->{quick} ? "" : ' >/dev/null';
+ system $latexcommand . $suppress || die "LaTeX problem\n";
+ $latex2e->{bibtex} && system "bibtex $filename.tex";
+ $latex2e->{quick} || system $latexcommand . ' >/dev/null';
+ $latex2e->{quick} || system $latexcommand;
+ if ($global->{debug} == 0)
+ {
+ my @suffixes = qw(log blg aux toc lof lot dlog bbl);
+ for my $suf (@suffixes)
+ {
+ unlink "$filename.$suf";
+ }
+ }
+ if ($latex2e->{output} eq "dvi")
+ {
+ $global->{debug} || unlink "$filename.tex";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ `dvips -q -t $global->{papersize} -o $ $filename.dvi`;
+ $global->{debug} || unlink ("$filename.dvi", "$filename.tex");
+ return 0;
diff --git a/doc/sbase/dist/ b/doc/sbase/dist/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81c2b15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/sbase/dist/
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+# $Id$
+# TXT-specific driver stuff
+# © Copyright 1996, Cees de Groot
+package SGMLTools::fmt_txt;
+use strict;
+use File::Copy;
+use Text::EntityMap;
+use SGMLTools::CharEnts;
+use SGMLTools::Lang;
+use SGMLTools::Vars;
+my $txt = {};
+$txt->{NAME} = "txt";
+$txt->{HELP} = "";
+$txt->{OPTIONS} = [
+ { option => "manpage", type => "f", short => "m" },
+ { option => "filter", type => "f", short => "f" }
+$txt->{manpage} = 0;
+$txt->{filter} = 0;
+$Formats{$txt->{NAME}} = $txt;
+# Set correct NsgmlsOpts
+$txt->{preNSGMLS} = sub
+ if ($txt->{manpage})
+ {
+ $global->{NsgmlsOpts} .= " -iman ";
+ $global->{charset} = "man";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $global->{NsgmlsOpts} .= " -ifmttxt ";
+ $global->{charset} = "latin1" if $global->{charset} eq "latin";
+ }
+ #
+ # Is there a cleaner solution than this? Can't do it earlier,
+ # would show up in the help messages...
+ #
+ $global->{format} = $global->{charset};
+ $global->{format} = "groff" if $global->{format} eq "ascii";
+ $ENV{SGML_SEARCH_PATH} =~ s/txt/$global->{format}/;
+ $Formats{"groff"} = $txt;
+ $Formats{"latin1"} = $txt;
+ $Formats{"man"} = $txt;
+ return 0;
+# Ascii escape sub. this is called-back by `parse_data' below in
+# `txt_preASP' to properly escape `\' characters coming from the SGML
+# source.
+my $txt_escape = sub {
+ my ($data) = @_;
+ $data =~ s|"|\\\&\"|g; # Insert zero-width space in front of "
+ $data =~ s|^\.|\\&.|; # ditto in front of . at start of line
+ $data =~ s|\\|\\\\|g; # Escape backslashes
+ return ($data);
+# Run the file through the genertoc utility before sgmlsasp. Not necessary
+# when producing a manpage. A lot of code from FJM, untested by me.
+$txt->{preASP} = sub
+ my ($infile, $outfile) = @_;
+ my (@toc, @lines);
+ if ($txt->{manpage})
+ {
+ copy ($infile, $outfile);
+ return;
+ }
+ # note the conversion of `sdata_dirs' list to an anonymous array to
+ # make a single argument
+ my $char_maps = load_char_maps ('.2tr', [ Text::EntityMap::sdata_dirs() ]);
+ $char_maps = load_char_maps ('.2l1tr', [ Text::EntityMap::sdata_dirs() ]) if $global->{charset} eq "latin1";
+ #
+ # Build TOC. The file is read into @lines in the meantime, we need to
+ # traverse it twice.
+ #
+ push (@toc, "(HLINE\n");
+ push (@toc, ")HLINE\n");
+ push (@toc, "(P\n");
+ push (@toc, "-" . Xlat ("Table of Contents") . "\n");
+ push (@toc, ")P\n");
+ push (@toc, "(VERB\n");
+ my (@prevheader, @header);
+ while (<$infile>)
+ {
+ push (@lines, $_);
+ if (/^\(SECT(.*)/)
+ {
+ @prevheader = @header;
+ @header = @header[0..$1];
+ $header[$1]++;
+ }
+ if (/^\(HEADING/)
+ {
+ $_ = <$infile>;
+ push (@lines, $_);
+ chop;
+ s/^-//;
+ $_ = join(".",@header) . " " . $_;
+ s/\\n/ /g;
+ s/\(\\[0-9][0-9][0-9]\)/\\\1/g;
+ if (!$#header)
+ {
+ # put a newline before top-level sections unless previous was also
+ # a top level section
+ $_ = "\\n" . $_ unless (!$#prevheader);
+ # put a . and a space after top level sections
+ s/ /. /;
+ $_ = "-" . $_ . "\\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # subsections get indentation matching hierarchy
+ $_ = "-" . " " x $#header . $_;
+ }
+ push(@toc, parse_data ($_, $char_maps, $txt_escape), "\\n\n");
+ }
+ }
+ push (@toc, ")VERB\n");
+ push (@toc, "(HLINE\n");
+ push (@toc, ")HLINE\n");
+ my $inheading = 0;
+ my $tipo = '';
+ for (@lines)
+ {
+ if ($inheading)
+ {
+ next if (/^\)TT/ || /^\(TT/ || /^\)IT/ || /^\(IT/ ||
+ /^\)EM/ || /^\(EM/ || /^\)BF/ || /^\(BF/);
+ if (/^-/)
+ {
+ $tipo .= $' ;
+ chop ($tipo);
+ $tipo .= " " unless $tipo =~ / $/;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $tipo =~ s/ $//;
+ if ($tipo)
+ {
+ print $outfile "-"
+ . parse_data ($tipo, $char_maps, $txt_escape)
+ . "\n";
+ }
+ print $outfile $_;
+ $tipo = '';
+ }
+ if (/^\)HEADING/)
+ {
+ $inheading = 0;
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ if (/^\(HEADING/)
+ {
+ #
+ # Go into heading processing mode.
+ #
+ $tipo = '';
+ $inheading = 1;
+ }
+ if (/^\(TOC/)
+ {
+ print $outfile @toc;
+ next;
+ }
+ if (/^-/)
+ {
+ my ($str) = $';
+ chop ($str);
+ print $outfile "-" . parse_data ($str, $char_maps, $txt_escape) . "\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ elsif (/^A/)
+ {
+ || die "bad attribute data: $_\n";
+ my ($name,$type,$value) = ($1,$2,$4);
+ if ($type eq "CDATA")
+ {
+ # CDATA attributes get translated also
+ $value = parse_data ($value, $char_maps, $txt_escape);
+ }
+ print $outfile "A$name $type $value\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ #
+ # Default action if not skipped over with next: copy in to out.
+ #
+ print $outfile $_;
+ }
+# Take the sgmlsasp output, and make something
+# useful from it.
+$txt->{postASP} = sub
+ my $infile = shift;
+ my ($outfile, $groffout);
+ if ($txt->{manpage})
+ {
+ $outfile = new FileHandle ">$global->{filename}.man";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $outfile = new FileHandle
+ "|$main::progs->{GROFF} -T $global->{pass} $global->{charset} -t $main::progs->{GROFFMACRO} >$global->{tmpbase}.txt.1";
+ }
+ #
+ # Feed $outfile with roff input.
+ #
+ while (<$infile>)
+ {
+ unless (/^\.DS/.../^\.DE/)
+ {
+ s/^[ \t]{1,}(.*)/$1/g;
+ }
+ s/^\.[ \t].*/\\\&$&/g;
+ s/\\fC/\\fR/g;
+ s/^.ft C/.ft R/g;
+ print $outfile $_;
+ }
+ $outfile->close;
+ #
+ # If we were making a manpage, we're done. Otherwise, a little bit
+ # of work is left.
+ #
+ if ($txt->{manpage})
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $outfile->open (">$global->{filename}.txt");
+ $groffout = new FileHandle "<$global->{tmpbase}.txt.1";
+ if ($txt->{filter})
+ {
+ while (<$groffout>)
+ {
+ s/.//g;
+ print $outfile $_;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ copy ($groffout, $outfile);
+ }
+ }
+ $groffout->close;
+ $outfile->close;
+ return 0;
diff --git a/doc/sbase/dtd/common b/doc/sbase/dtd/common
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4476d84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/sbase/dtd/common
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+<!-- This is a DTD, but will be read as -*- sgml -*- -->
+<!-- ================================================= -->
+<!-- $Id$
+ This is COMMON ENTITY for SGML-Tools.
+ The definitions herein are used by both
+ Initial revision May 16, 1997, by B. Kreimeier
+ &Log:$
+ -->
+<!-- ================================================= -->
+<!-- Revision Comments -->
+<!-- BK/97/05/16: created from linuxdoc97.dtd -->
+<!-- BK/97/07/17: Moved <descrip> to linuxdoc97.dtd. -->
+<!-- BK/97/05/18: removed quote and code back from
+ "common", as I want to modify them (caption) -->
+<!-- ================================================= -->
+<!-- ================================================= -->
+<!-- MDW: hacked, abstract now part of titlepag -->
+<!-- ================================================= -->
+<!element titlepag o o (title, author, date?, abstract?)>
+<!element title - o (%inline) >
+<!usemap oneline titlepag>
+<!element author - o
+ (name, (and, name )*)>
+<!element name o o (%inline) >
+<!element and - o empty>
+<!element date - o (#pcdata) >
+<!element abstract - o (%inline)>
+<!usemap oneline abstract>
+<!element toc - o empty>
+<!-- ================================================= -->
+<!-- SECTion - section hierarchy -->
+<!-- ================================================= -->
+<!element header - - (lhead, rhead) >
+<!element lhead - o (%inline)>
+<!element rhead - o (%inline)>
+<!entity % sect "heading, header?, p* " >
+<!element heading o o (%inline)>
+<!element sect - o (%sect, sect1*)>
+<!element sect1 - o (%sect, sect2*)>
+<!element sect2 - o (%sect, sect3*)>
+<!element sect3 - o (%sect, sect4*)>
+<!element sect4 - o (%sect)>
+<!usemap oneline (sect,sect1,sect2,sect3,sect4)>
+<!-- ================================================= -->
+<!-- LIST elements -->
+<!-- Group of all list elements, except descrip -->
+<!-- ================================================= -->
+<!element itemize - - (item+)>
+<!element enum - - (item+)>
+<!element item o o ((%inline; | %sectpar;)*, p*) >
+<!usemap global (itemize,enum)>
+<!-- ================================================= -->
+<!-- P - paragraph, smallest block of text -->
+<!-- ================================================= -->
+<!element p o o (( %inline | %sectpar )+) >
+<!usemap pmap p>
+<!-- ================================================= -->
+<!-- end of COMMON ENTITY -->
+ Local Variables:
+ mode: sgml
+ End: -->
+<!-- ================================================= --> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/sbase/dtd/isoent b/doc/sbase/dtd/isoent
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..acec982
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/sbase/dtd/isoent
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+<!-- This is a DTD, but will be read as -*- sgml -*- -->
+<!-- ================================================= -->
+<!-- $Id$
+ This is dtd/isoent for SGML-Tools.
+ Initial revision June 23st, 1997, by B. Kreimeier
+ $Log$
+ Revision 1.1 2000-05-31 14:27:50 mj
+ This should be enough from the SGMLtools distribution to make the
+ SGMLtools happy.
+ The only symlink you need now is dist/birddoc -> dist/sgmltool. I'm
+ convinced it could be avoided by renaming the directory instead, but I'd
+ rather avoid it due to CVS pecularities.
+ Revision 1.1 1997/07/09 13:27:16 cg
+ * Completely new DTD setup by Bernd (BK).
+ -->
+<!-- ================================================= -->
+<!-- Revision Comments -->
+<!-- BK/97/06/22: installed 0.99.12, applied changes
+ made for new entity mapping. -->
+<!-- ================================================= -->
+<!-- ================================================= -->
+<!-- ISO entities -->
+<!-- ================================================= -->
+ "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Diacritical Marks//EN">
+ "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Greek Symbols//EN">
+ "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 1//EN">
+ "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Numeric and Special Graphic//EN">
+ "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Publishing//EN">
+<!-- ================================================= -->
+<!-- end of dtd/isoent -->
+ Local Variables:
+ mode: sgml
+ End: -->
+<!-- ================================================= --> \ No newline at end of file