Hit tanks will die now.
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 7 additions and 5 deletions
@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ main = do
[ SomePlayer $ DefaultPlayer S.empty 0 0 False
, SomePlayer $ CPUPlayer 0
gameState = GameState {level = theLevel, tanks = [ Tank 5.0 5.0 0 0 2 270 False 3 1 5
, Tank 5.0 3.5 0 0 2 270 False 3 1 5
gameState = GameState {level = theLevel, tanks = [ Tank 5.0 5.0 0 0 2 270 False 3 1 5 1
, Tank 5.0 3.5 0 0 2 270 False 3 1 5 1
], bullets = [], textures = M.empty}
runGame gameState $ do
@ -126,8 +126,9 @@ simulationStep = do
leftbullets = collideBullets $ zipWith (\(left, bullet') bullet -> (left, bullet, bullet')) thebullets $ bullets state
bt = hitBullets $ liftM2 (\(b, (_, b')) (t, t') -> (b, b', t, t')) (zip (bullets state) leftbullets) (zip (tanks state) newtanks)
leftbullets2 = map (\(left, bullet) -> (left && (all (\(c, b, _) -> (b /= bullet) || (not c)) bt), bullet)) leftbullets
newtanks2 = map (\tank -> tank {tankLife = (tankLife tank) - (sum . map (\(c, _, t) -> if (t == tank && c) then 1 else 0) $ bt)}) newtanks
thetanks = map (\(tank, n) -> tank {tankBulletsLeft = (tankBulletsLeft tank) + (countLostTankBullets n leftbullets2)}) $ zip newtanks [0..]
thetanks = map (\(tank, n) -> tank {tankBulletsLeft = (tankBulletsLeft tank) + (countLostTankBullets n leftbullets2)}) $ zip newtanks2 [0..]
in state {tanks = thetanks, bullets = newbullets ++ (map snd . filter fst $ leftbullets2)}
@ -146,6 +147,6 @@ simulationStep = do
updateTank' game (player, tank) = let (p, angle, move, aangle, shoot) = playerUpdate player tank
t = execState (updateTank game angle move aangle) tank
in (p, t, shoot)
in if (tankLife tank > 0) then (p, t, shoot) else (player, tank, False)
countLostTankBullets n (x:xs) = (if ((not . fst $ x) && (n == (bulletTank . snd $ x))) then 1 else 0) + (countLostTankBullets n xs)
countLostTankBullets n [] = 0
@ -14,4 +14,5 @@ data Tank = Tank
, tankBulletSpeed :: !Micro
, tankBulletBounces :: !Int
, tankBulletsLeft :: !Int
} deriving Show
, tankLife :: !Int
} deriving (Eq, Show)
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