diff options
authorMatthias Schiffer <>2011-09-08 19:15:23 +0200
committerMatthias Schiffer <>2011-09-08 19:15:23 +0200
commit4d519acbd48fa400f09e4705251a0dbf45c6876e (patch)
parent234388ef387c92cc72f35cb309b9d0beea8d3a1a (diff)
Core is independent of X11 now
-rw-r--r--lib/Phi/Widgets/X11/Systray.hs (renamed from lib/Phi/Widgets/Systray.hs)4
-rw-r--r--lib/Phi/Widgets/X11/Taskbar.hs (renamed from lib/Phi/Widgets/Taskbar.hs)156
10 files changed, 309 insertions, 279 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Phi/Border.hs b/lib/Phi/Border.hs
index ca5e515..2e1e008 100644
--- a/lib/Phi/Border.hs
+++ b/lib/Phi/Border.hs
@@ -56,11 +56,11 @@ defaultBorderConfig = BorderConfig { margin = simpleBorderWidth 0
, borderWeight = 1
-data Border w s c = (Widget w s c) => Border !BorderConfig !w
+data Border w s c d = (Widget w s c d) => Border !BorderConfig !w
-data BorderCache w s c = (Widget w s c) => BorderCache !c
+data BorderCache w s c d = (Widget w s c d) => BorderCache !c
-instance Eq s => Widget (Border w s c) s (BorderCache w s c) where
+instance (Eq s, Display d) => Widget (Border w s c d) s (BorderCache w s c d) d where
initWidget (Border _ w) = initWidget w
initCache (Border _ w) = BorderCache $ initCache w
@@ -165,5 +165,5 @@ roundRectangle x y width height radius = do
arc (x + radius) (y + radius) radius pi (pi*3/2)
-border :: (Widget w s c) => BorderConfig -> w -> Border w s c
+border :: (Widget w s c d) => BorderConfig -> w -> Border w s c d
border = Border
diff --git a/lib/Phi/Widget.hs b/lib/Phi/Widget.hs
index a598887..3687630 100644
--- a/lib/Phi/Widget.hs
+++ b/lib/Phi/Widget.hs
@@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification, StandaloneDeriving, DeriveDataTypeable, MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification, StandaloneDeriving, MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances, TypeFamilies #-}
-module Phi.Widget ( XEvent(..)
+module Phi.Widget ( Rectangle(..)
, Display(..)
- , withDisplay
- , getAtoms
- , XMessage(..)
, unionArea
, SurfaceSlice(..)
, Widget(..)
@@ -23,7 +20,6 @@ module Phi.Widget ( XEvent(..)
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Arrow.Transformer
import Control.CacheArrow
-import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State.Strict hiding (lift)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
@@ -31,67 +27,57 @@ import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Typeable
-import Graphics.XHB
import Graphics.Rendering.Cairo
import Phi.Phi
import Phi.X11.Atoms
-data Display = Display !Connection !Atoms
+data Rectangle = Rectangle { rect_x :: !Int
+ , rect_y :: !Int
+ , rect_width :: !Int
+ , rect_height :: !Int
+ } deriving (Show, Eq)
-newtype XEvent = XEvent SomeEvent deriving Typeable
+class Display d where
+ type Window d :: *
-instance Show XEvent where
- show _ = "XEvent (..)"
-withDisplay :: MonadIO m => Display -> (Connection -> m a) -> m a
-withDisplay (Display conn _) f = f conn
-getAtoms :: Display -> Atoms
-getAtoms (Display _ atoms) = atoms
-data XMessage = UpdateScreens [(RECTANGLE, WINDOW)] deriving (Show, Typeable)
-unionArea :: RECTANGLE -> RECTANGLE -> Int
+unionArea :: Rectangle -> Rectangle -> Int
unionArea a b = uw*uh
- uw = max 0 $ (min ax2 bx2) - fromIntegral (max ax1 bx1)
- uh = max 0 $ (min ay2 by2) - fromIntegral (max ay1 by1)
+ uw = max 0 $ (min ax2 bx2) - (max ax1 bx1)
+ uh = max 0 $ (min ay2 by2) - (max ay1 by1)
- MkRECTANGLE ax1 ay1 aw ah = a
- MkRECTANGLE bx1 by1 bw bh = b
+ Rectangle ax1 ay1 aw ah = a
+ Rectangle bx1 by1 bw bh = b
- ax2 = fromIntegral ax1 + fromIntegral aw
- ay2 = fromIntegral ay1 + fromIntegral ah
+ ax2 = ax1 + aw
+ ay2 = ay1 + ah
- bx2 = fromIntegral bx1 + fromIntegral bw
- by2 = fromIntegral by1 + fromIntegral bh
+ bx2 = bx1 + bw
+ by2 = by1 + bh
data SurfaceSlice = SurfaceSlice !Int !Surface
-class Eq s => Widget w s c | w -> s, w -> c where
- initWidget :: w -> Phi -> Display -> [(RECTANGLE, WINDOW)] -> IO s
+class (Eq s, Display d) => Widget w s c d | w -> s, w -> c, w -> d where
+ initWidget :: w -> Phi -> d -> [(Rectangle, Window d)] -> IO s
initCache :: w -> c
- minSize :: w -> s -> Int -> RECTANGLE -> Int
+ minSize :: w -> s -> Int -> Rectangle -> Int
weight :: w -> Float
weight _ = 0
- render :: w -> s -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> RECTANGLE -> StateT c IO [(Bool, SurfaceSlice)]
+ render :: w -> s -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Rectangle -> StateT c IO [(Bool, SurfaceSlice)]
handleMessage :: w -> s -> Message -> s
handleMessage _ priv _ = priv
-deriving instance Eq RECTANGLE
type IOCache = CacheArrow (Kleisli IO)
-type RenderCache s = IOCache (s, Int, Int, Int, Int, RECTANGLE) Surface
+type RenderCache s = IOCache (s, Int, Int, Int, Int, Rectangle) Surface
createIOCache :: Eq a => (a -> IO b) -> IOCache a b
createIOCache = lift . Kleisli
@@ -103,8 +89,8 @@ runIOCache a = do
put cache'
return b
-createRenderCache :: (s -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> RECTANGLE -> Render ())
- -> CacheArrow (Kleisli IO) (s, Int, Int, Int, Int, RECTANGLE) Surface
+createRenderCache :: (s -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Rectangle -> Render ())
+ -> CacheArrow (Kleisli IO) (s, Int, Int, Int, Int, Rectangle) Surface
createRenderCache f = lift . Kleisli $ \(state, x, y, w, h, screen) -> do
surface <- createImageSurface FormatARGB32 w h
renderWith surface $ do
@@ -114,22 +100,22 @@ createRenderCache f = lift . Kleisli $ \(state, x, y, w, h, screen) -> do
f state x y w h screen
return surface
-renderCached :: Eq s => s -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> RECTANGLE -> StateT (RenderCache s) IO [(Bool, SurfaceSlice)]
+renderCached :: Eq s => s -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Rectangle -> StateT (RenderCache s) IO [(Bool, SurfaceSlice)]
renderCached state x y w h screen = do
cache <- get
(surf, updated, cache') <- liftIO $ runKleisli (runCache' cache) (state, x, y, w, h, screen)
put cache'
return [(updated, SurfaceSlice 0 surf)]
-data CompoundWidget a sa ca b sb cb = (Widget a sa ca, Widget b sb cb) => CompoundWidget !a !b
+data CompoundWidget a sa ca b sb cb d = (Widget a sa ca d, Widget b sb cb d) => CompoundWidget !a !b
-data CompoundState a sa ca b sb cb = (Widget a sa ca, Widget b sb cb) => CompoundState !sa !sb
-deriving instance Eq (CompoundState a sa ca b sb cb)
+data CompoundState a sa ca b sb cb d = (Widget a sa ca d, Widget b sb cb d) => CompoundState !sa !sb
+deriving instance Eq (CompoundState a sa ca b sb cb d)
-data CompoundCache a sa ca b sb cb = (Widget a sa ca, Widget b sb cb) => CompoundCache !ca !cb
+data CompoundCache a sa ca b sb cb d = (Widget a sa ca d, Widget b sb cb d) => CompoundCache !ca !cb
-instance Widget (CompoundWidget a sa ca b sb cb) (CompoundState a sa ca b sb cb) (CompoundCache a sa ca b sb cb) where
+instance Display d => Widget (CompoundWidget a sa ca b sb cb d) (CompoundState a sa ca b sb cb d) (CompoundCache a sa ca b sb cb d) d where
initWidget (CompoundWidget a b) phi disp screens = liftM2 CompoundState (initWidget a phi disp screens) (initWidget b phi disp screens)
initCache (CompoundWidget a b) = CompoundCache (initCache a) (initCache b)
@@ -154,15 +140,15 @@ instance Widget (CompoundWidget a sa ca b sb cb) (CompoundState a sa ca b sb cb)
handleMessage (CompoundWidget a b) (CompoundState sa sb) message = CompoundState (handleMessage a sa message) (handleMessage b sb message)
-weight' :: (Widget a sa ca) => a -> Float
+weight' :: (Widget a sa ca d) => a -> Float
weight' = max 0 . weight
-(<~>) :: (Widget a sa ca, Widget b sb cb) => a -> b -> CompoundWidget a sa ca b sb cb
+(<~>) :: (Widget a sa ca d, Widget b sb cb d) => a -> b -> CompoundWidget a sa ca b sb cb d
a <~> b = CompoundWidget a b
-data Separator = Separator !Int !Float deriving (Show, Eq)
+data Separator d = Separator !Int !Float deriving (Show, Eq)
-instance Widget Separator () (RenderCache ()) where
+instance Display d => Widget (Separator d) () (RenderCache ()) d where
initWidget _ _ _ _ = return ()
initCache _ = createRenderCache $ \_ _ _ _ _ _ -> do
setOperator OperatorClear
@@ -173,5 +159,5 @@ instance Widget Separator () (RenderCache ()) where
render _ = renderCached
-separator :: Int -> Float -> Separator
+separator :: Int -> Float -> Separator d
separator = Separator
diff --git a/lib/Phi/Widgets/AlphaBox.hs b/lib/Phi/Widgets/AlphaBox.hs
index 6f989ea..59f8aea 100644
--- a/lib/Phi/Widgets/AlphaBox.hs
+++ b/lib/Phi/Widgets/AlphaBox.hs
@@ -13,11 +13,11 @@ import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Graphics.Rendering.Cairo
-data AlphaBox w s c = (Widget w s c) => AlphaBox !Double !w
+data AlphaBox w s c d = (Widget w s c d) => AlphaBox !Double !w
-data AlphaBoxCache w s c = (Widget w s c) => AlphaBoxCache !c
+data AlphaBoxCache w s c d = (Widget w s c d) => AlphaBoxCache !c
-instance Eq s => Widget (AlphaBox w s c) s (AlphaBoxCache w s c) where
+instance (Eq s, Display d) => Widget (AlphaBox w s c d) s (AlphaBoxCache w s c d) d where
initWidget (AlphaBox _ w) = initWidget w
initCache (AlphaBox _ w) = AlphaBoxCache $ initCache w
@@ -47,6 +47,6 @@ instance Eq s => Widget (AlphaBox w s c) s (AlphaBoxCache w s c) where
handleMessage (AlphaBox _ w) = handleMessage w
-alphaBox :: (Widget w s c) => Double -> w -> AlphaBox w s c
+alphaBox :: (Widget w s c d) => Double -> w -> AlphaBox w s c d
alphaBox = AlphaBox
diff --git a/lib/Phi/Widgets/Clock.hs b/lib/Phi/Widgets/Clock.hs
index 9282432..26b777f 100644
--- a/lib/Phi/Widgets/Clock.hs
+++ b/lib/Phi/Widgets/Clock.hs
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ data ClockConfig = ClockConfig { clockFormat :: !String
defaultClockConfig :: ClockConfig
defaultClockConfig = ClockConfig "%R" (0, 0, 0, 1) 0 50
-data Clock = Clock !ClockConfig deriving (Show, Eq)
+data Clock d = Clock !ClockConfig deriving (Show, Eq)
deriving instance Eq ZonedTime
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ data ClockState = ClockState !ZonedTime deriving (Show, Eq)
data ClockMessage = UpdateTime !ZonedTime deriving (Show, Typeable)
-instance Widget Clock ClockState (RenderCache ClockState) where
+instance Display d => Widget (Clock d) ClockState (RenderCache ClockState) d where
initWidget (Clock _) phi _ _ = do
forkIO $ forever $ do
time <- getZonedTime
@@ -85,6 +85,6 @@ instance Widget Clock ClockState (RenderCache ClockState) where
_ -> priv
-clock :: ClockConfig -> Clock
+clock :: ClockConfig -> Clock d
clock config = do
- Clock config \ No newline at end of file
+ Clock config
diff --git a/lib/Phi/Widgets/Systray.hs b/lib/Phi/Widgets/X11/Systray.hs
index 27a5e34..fffb181 100644
--- a/lib/Phi/Widgets/Systray.hs
+++ b/lib/Phi/Widgets/X11/Systray.hs
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, DeriveDataTypeable, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
-module Phi.Widgets.Systray ( systray
- ) where
+module Phi.Widgets.X11.Systray ( systray
+ ) where
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad
diff --git a/lib/Phi/Widgets/Taskbar.hs b/lib/Phi/Widgets/X11/Taskbar.hs
index f0a8196..07a7292 100644
--- a/lib/Phi/Widgets/Taskbar.hs
+++ b/lib/Phi/Widgets/X11/Taskbar.hs
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, DeriveDataTypeable, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
-module Phi.Widgets.Taskbar ( IconStyle
- , idIconStyle
- , desaturateIconStyle
- , TaskStyle(..)
- , DesktopStyle(..)
- , TaskbarConfig(..)
- , defaultTaskbarConfig
- , Taskbar
- , taskbar
- ) where
+module Phi.Widgets.X11.Taskbar ( IconStyle
+ , idIconStyle
+ , desaturateIconStyle
+ , TaskStyle(..)
+ , DesktopStyle(..)
+ , TaskbarConfig(..)
+ , defaultTaskbarConfig
+ , Taskbar
+ , taskbar
+ ) where
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Concurrent
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ import Phi.Phi
import Phi.Types
import Phi.Border
import Phi.Widget
+import Phi.X11
import Phi.X11.Atoms
import Phi.X11.Util
@@ -138,7 +139,7 @@ defaultTaskbarConfig = TaskbarConfig { taskMaxSize = 200
data Taskbar = Taskbar TaskbarConfig
-data TaskbarState = TaskbarState { taskbarScreens :: ![RECTANGLE]
+data TaskbarState = TaskbarState { taskbarScreens :: ![Rectangle]
, taskbarActiveWindow :: !WINDOW
, taskbarDesktopCount :: !Int
, taskbarCurrentDesktop :: !Int
@@ -161,7 +162,7 @@ data WindowState = WindowState { windowTitle :: !String
, windowDesktop :: !Int
, windowVisible :: !Bool
, windowIcons :: ![Icon]
- , windowGeometry :: !RECTANGLE
+ , windowGeometry :: !Rectangle
} deriving (Eq, Show)
data WindowCache = WindowCache { createScaledIconCached :: !(IOCache ([Icon], Int) (Maybe Icon))
@@ -208,7 +209,7 @@ data TaskbarMessage = WindowListUpdate ![WINDOW] !(M.Map WINDOW WindowState)
| ActiveWindowUpdate !WINDOW
deriving (Typeable, Show)
-instance Widget Taskbar TaskbarState (M.Map WINDOW WindowCache) where
+instance Widget Taskbar TaskbarState (M.Map WINDOW WindowCache) X11 where
initWidget (Taskbar _) phi dispvar screens = do
phi' <- dupPhi phi
forkIO $ taskbarRunner phi' dispvar
@@ -398,14 +399,14 @@ windowOnDesktop :: Int -> WindowState -> Bool
windowOnDesktop desktop state = (windowVisible state) && (desktop == windowDesktop state)
-taskbarRunner :: Phi -> Display -> IO ()
-taskbarRunner phi dispvar = do
- (windows, states) <- liftIO $ withDisplay dispvar $ \disp -> do
- (windows, states) <- getWindowStates disp (getAtoms dispvar) M.empty
- desktopCount <- getDesktopCount disp (getAtoms dispvar)
- current <- getCurrentDesktop disp (getAtoms dispvar)
- names <- getDesktopNames disp (getAtoms dispvar)
- activeWindow <- getActiveWindow disp (getAtoms dispvar)
+taskbarRunner :: Phi -> X11 -> IO ()
+taskbarRunner phi x11 = do
+ (windows, states) <- liftIO $ do
+ (windows, states) <- getWindowStates x11 M.empty
+ desktopCount <- getDesktopCount x11
+ current <- getCurrentDesktop x11
+ names <- getDesktopNames x11
+ activeWindow <- getActiveWindow x11
sendMessage phi $ WindowListUpdate windows states
sendMessage phi $ DesktopCountUpdate desktopCount
sendMessage phi $ CurrentDesktopUpdate current
@@ -418,23 +419,24 @@ taskbarRunner phi dispvar = do
m <- receiveMessage phi
case (fromMessage m) of
Just (XEvent event) ->
- handleEvent phi dispvar event
+ handleEvent phi x11 event
_ ->
return ()
-handleEvent :: Phi -> Display -> SomeEvent -> StateT ([WINDOW], M.Map WINDOW WindowState) IO ()
-handleEvent phi dispvar event =
+handleEvent :: Phi -> X11 -> SomeEvent -> StateT ([WINDOW], M.Map WINDOW WindowState) IO ()
+handleEvent phi x11 event =
case (fromEvent event) of
- Just e -> handlePropertyNotifyEvent phi dispvar e
+ Just e -> handlePropertyNotifyEvent phi x11 e
Nothing -> case (fromEvent event) of
- Just e -> handleConfigureNotifyEvent phi dispvar e
+ Just e -> handleConfigureNotifyEvent phi x11 e
Nothing -> return ()
-handlePropertyNotifyEvent :: Phi -> Display -> PropertyNotifyEvent -> StateT ([WINDOW], M.Map WINDOW WindowState) IO ()
-handlePropertyNotifyEvent phi dispvar MkPropertyNotifyEvent {atom_PropertyNotifyEvent = atom, window_PropertyNotifyEvent = window} = do
- let atoms = getAtoms dispvar
+handlePropertyNotifyEvent :: Phi -> X11 -> PropertyNotifyEvent -> StateT ([WINDOW], M.Map WINDOW WindowState) IO ()
+handlePropertyNotifyEvent phi x11 MkPropertyNotifyEvent {atom_PropertyNotifyEvent = atom, window_PropertyNotifyEvent = window} = do
+ let atoms = x11Atoms x11
+ rootwin = root_SCREEN . x11Screen $ x11
when (elem atom $ map ($ atoms) [ atom_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW
@@ -445,29 +447,28 @@ handlePropertyNotifyEvent phi dispvar MkPropertyNotifyEvent {atom_PropertyNotify
, atom_NET_WM_NAME
- ]) $ withDisplay dispvar $ \conn -> do
- let rootwin = getRoot conn
+ ]) $ do
if (window == rootwin)
then do
when (atom == atom_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW atoms) $ do
- activeWindow <- liftIO $ getActiveWindow conn atoms
+ activeWindow <- liftIO $ getActiveWindow x11
sendMessage phi $ ActiveWindowUpdate activeWindow
sendMessage phi Repaint
when (atom == atom_NET_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS atoms) $ do
- desktopCount <- liftIO $ getDesktopCount conn atoms
+ desktopCount <- liftIO $ getDesktopCount x11
sendMessage phi $ DesktopCountUpdate desktopCount
sendMessage phi Repaint
when (atom == atom_NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP atoms) $ do
- current <- liftIO $ getCurrentDesktop conn atoms
+ current <- liftIO $ getCurrentDesktop x11
sendMessage phi $ CurrentDesktopUpdate current
sendMessage phi Repaint
when (atom == atom_NET_DESKTOP_NAMES atoms) $ do
- names <- liftIO $ getDesktopNames conn atoms
+ names <- liftIO $ getDesktopNames x11
sendMessage phi $ DesktopNamesUpdate names
sendMessage phi Repaint
when (atom == atom_NET_CLIENT_LIST atoms) $ do
(windows, windowStates) <- get
- (windows', windowStates') <- liftIO $ getWindowStates conn atoms windowStates
+ (windows', windowStates') <- liftIO $ getWindowStates x11 windowStates
when (windows /= windows') $ do
sendMessage phi $ WindowListUpdate windows' windowStates'
@@ -479,14 +480,14 @@ handlePropertyNotifyEvent phi dispvar MkPropertyNotifyEvent {atom_PropertyNotify
when (elem window windows) $ do
case () of
_ | (atom == atom_NET_WM_ICON atoms) -> do
- icons <- liftIO $ getWindowIcons conn atoms window
+ icons <- liftIO $ getWindowIcons x11 window
let windowStates' = M.update (\state -> Just state {windowIcons = icons}) window windowStates
sendMessage phi $ WindowListUpdate windows windowStates'
sendMessage phi Repaint
put (windows, windowStates')
| otherwise -> do
- (name, desktop, visible) <- liftIO $ getWindowInfo conn atoms window
+ (name, desktop, visible) <- liftIO $ getWindowInfo x11 window
let mwindowState = M.lookup window windowStates
case mwindowState of
Just windowState -> do
@@ -501,12 +502,13 @@ handlePropertyNotifyEvent phi dispvar MkPropertyNotifyEvent {atom_PropertyNotify
return ()
-handleConfigureNotifyEvent :: Phi -> Display -> ConfigureNotifyEvent -> StateT ([WINDOW], M.Map WINDOW WindowState) IO ()
-handleConfigureNotifyEvent phi dispvar MkConfigureNotifyEvent {window_ConfigureNotifyEvent = window} = do
+handleConfigureNotifyEvent :: Phi -> X11 -> ConfigureNotifyEvent -> StateT ([WINDOW], M.Map WINDOW WindowState) IO ()
+handleConfigureNotifyEvent phi x11 MkConfigureNotifyEvent {window_ConfigureNotifyEvent = window} = do
+ let conn = x11Connection x11
(windows, windowStates) <- get
- when (elem window windows) $ withDisplay dispvar $ \conn -> do
+ when (elem window windows) $ do
let geom = fmap windowGeometry . M.lookup window $ windowStates
- geom' <- liftIO $ getWindowGeometry conn window
+ geom' <- liftIO $ getWindowGeometry x11 window
when (geom /= (Just geom')) $ do
let windowStates' = M.update (\state -> Just state {windowGeometry = geom'}) window windowStates
sendMessage phi $ WindowListUpdate windows windowStates'
@@ -514,30 +516,30 @@ handleConfigureNotifyEvent phi dispvar MkConfigureNotifyEvent {window_ConfigureN
put (windows, windowStates')
-getDesktopCount :: Connection -> Atoms -> IO Int
-getDesktopCount conn atoms =
- liftM (fromIntegral . fromMaybe 0 . join . fmap listToMaybe) $ getProperty32 conn (getRoot conn) (atom_NET_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS atoms)
+getDesktopCount :: X11 -> IO Int
+getDesktopCount x11 =
+ liftM (fromIntegral . fromMaybe 0 . join . fmap listToMaybe) $ getProperty32 (x11Connection x11) (root_SCREEN . x11Screen $ x11) (atom_NET_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS . x11Atoms $ x11)
-getCurrentDesktop :: Connection -> Atoms -> IO Int
-getCurrentDesktop conn atoms =
- liftM (fromIntegral . fromMaybe (-1) . join . fmap listToMaybe) $ getProperty32 conn (getRoot conn) (atom_NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP atoms)
+getCurrentDesktop :: X11 -> IO Int
+getCurrentDesktop x11 =
+ liftM (fromIntegral . fromMaybe (-1) . join . fmap listToMaybe) $ getProperty32 (x11Connection x11) (root_SCREEN . x11Screen $ x11) (atom_NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP . x11Atoms $ x11)
-getDesktopNames :: Connection -> Atoms -> IO [String]
-getDesktopNames conn atoms =
- liftM (map (decode . map fromIntegral) . break' . fromMaybe []) $ getProperty8 conn (getRoot conn) (atom_NET_DESKTOP_NAMES atoms)
+getDesktopNames :: X11 -> IO [String]
+getDesktopNames x11 =
+ liftM (map (decode . map fromIntegral) . break' . fromMaybe []) $ getProperty8 (x11Connection x11) (root_SCREEN . x11Screen $ x11) (atom_NET_DESKTOP_NAMES . x11Atoms $ x11)
break' l = case dropWhile (== 0) l of
[] -> []
l' -> w : break' l''
where (w, l'') = break (== 0) l'
-getActiveWindow :: Connection -> Atoms -> IO WINDOW
-getActiveWindow conn atoms =
- liftM (fromXid . toXid . fromMaybe 0 . join . fmap listToMaybe) $ getProperty32 conn (getRoot conn) (atom_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW atoms)
+getActiveWindow :: X11 -> IO WINDOW
+getActiveWindow x11 =
+ liftM (fromXid . toXid . fromMaybe 0 . join . fmap listToMaybe) $ getProperty32 (x11Connection x11) (root_SCREEN . x11Screen $ x11) (atom_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW . x11Atoms $ x11)
-getWindowStates :: Connection -> Atoms -> M.Map WINDOW WindowState -> IO ([WINDOW], M.Map WINDOW WindowState)
-getWindowStates conn atoms windowStates = do
- windows <- getWindowList conn atoms
+getWindowStates :: X11 -> M.Map WINDOW WindowState -> IO ([WINDOW], M.Map WINDOW WindowState)
+getWindowStates x11 windowStates = do
+ windows <- getWindowList x11
let windowStates' = map (\w -> (w, M.lookup w windowStates)) windows
@@ -547,15 +549,15 @@ getWindowStates conn atoms windowStates = do
getWindowState' (window, Just windowState) = return (window, windowState)
getWindowState' (window, Nothing) = do
- changeWindowAttributes conn window $ toValueParam [(CWEventMask, toMask [EventMaskPropertyChange, EventMaskStructureNotify])]
- windowState <- getWindowState conn atoms window
+ changeWindowAttributes (x11Connection x11) window $ toValueParam [(CWEventMask, toMask [EventMaskPropertyChange, EventMaskStructureNotify])]
+ windowState <- getWindowState x11 window
return (window, windowState)
-getWindowState :: Connection -> Atoms -> WINDOW -> IO WindowState
-getWindowState conn atoms window = do
- (name, workspace, visible) <- getWindowInfo conn atoms window
- icons <- getWindowIcons conn atoms window
- geom <- getWindowGeometry conn window
+getWindowState :: X11 -> WINDOW -> IO WindowState
+getWindowState x11 window = do
+ (name, workspace, visible) <- getWindowInfo x11 window
+ icons <- getWindowIcons x11 window
+ geom <- getWindowGeometry x11 window
return $ WindowState { windowTitle = name
, windowDesktop = workspace
@@ -564,8 +566,10 @@ getWindowState conn atoms window = do
, windowGeometry = geom
-getWindowInfo :: Connection -> Atoms -> WINDOW -> IO (String, Int, Bool)
-getWindowInfo conn atoms window = do
+getWindowInfo :: X11 -> WINDOW -> IO (String, Int, Bool)
+getWindowInfo x11 window = do
+ let conn = x11Connection x11
+ atoms = x11Atoms x11
netwmname <- liftM (fmap (decode . map fromIntegral)) $ getProperty8 conn window (atom_NET_WM_NAME atoms)
wmname <- case netwmname of
Just name -> return name
@@ -578,8 +582,8 @@ getWindowInfo conn atoms window = do
unsignedChr = chr . fromIntegral
-getWindowIcons :: Connection -> Atoms -> WINDOW -> IO [Icon]
-getWindowIcons conn atoms window = getProperty32 conn window (atom_NET_WM_ICON atoms) >>= readIcons . fromMaybe []
+getWindowIcons :: X11 -> WINDOW -> IO [Icon]
+getWindowIcons x11 window = getProperty32 (x11Connection x11) window (atom_NET_WM_ICON . x11Atoms $ x11) >>= readIcons . fromMaybe []
readIcons :: [Word32] -> IO [Icon]
@@ -612,9 +616,13 @@ premultiply c = a .|. r .|. g .|. b
b = pm bmask
-getWindowGeometry :: Connection -> WINDOW -> IO RECTANGLE
-getWindowGeometry conn window =
- getGeometry conn (fromXid . toXid $ window) >>= getReply >>= return . ((const $ MkRECTANGLE 0 0 0 0) ||| (\(MkGetGeometryReply _ _ x y width height _) -> MkRECTANGLE x y width height))
+getWindowGeometry :: X11 -> WINDOW -> IO Rectangle
+getWindowGeometry x11 window =
+ getGeometry (x11Connection x11) (fromXid . toXid $ window) >>= getReply >>=
+ return . ((const $ Rectangle 0 0 0 0) ||| (\(MkGetGeometryReply _ _ x y width height _) -> Rectangle (fi x) (fi y) (fi width) (fi height)))
+ where
+ fi :: (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
+ fi = fromIntegral
showWindow :: Connection -> Atoms -> WINDOW -> IO Bool
showWindow conn atoms window = do
@@ -634,8 +642,8 @@ showWindow conn atoms window = do
-getWindowList :: Connection -> Atoms -> IO [WINDOW]
-getWindowList conn atoms = liftM (map (fromXid . toXid) . join . maybeToList) $ getProperty32 conn (getRoot conn) (atom_NET_CLIENT_LIST atoms)
+getWindowList :: X11 -> IO [WINDOW]
+getWindowList x11 = liftM (map (fromXid . toXid) . join . maybeToList) $ getProperty32 (x11Connection x11) (root_SCREEN . x11Screen $ x11) (atom_NET_CLIENT_LIST . x11Atoms $ x11)
taskbar :: TaskbarConfig -> Taskbar
taskbar = Taskbar
diff --git a/lib/Phi/X11.hs b/lib/Phi/X11.hs
index 7e0bfff..713b162 100644
--- a/lib/Phi/X11.hs
+++ b/lib/Phi/X11.hs
@@ -1,13 +1,17 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, ExistentialQuantification #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, ExistentialQuantification, TypeFamilies, FlexibleContexts, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
-module Phi.X11 ( XConfig(..)
+module Phi.X11 ( X11(..)
+ , XEvent(..)
+ , XMessage(..)
+ , XConfig(..)
, defaultXConfig
, runPhi
) where
-import Graphics.XHB
+import Graphics.XHB hiding (Window)
+import qualified Graphics.XHB.Connection.Open as CO
import Graphics.XHB.Gen.Xinerama
-import Graphics.XHB.Gen.Xproto
+import Graphics.XHB.Gen.Xproto hiding (Window)
import Graphics.Rendering.Cairo
@@ -36,33 +40,51 @@ import Phi.Phi
import Phi.X11.Util
import qualified Phi.Types as Phi
import qualified Phi.Panel as Panel
-import qualified Phi.Widget as Widget
-import Phi.Widget hiding (Display, handleMessage)
+import qualified Phi.Widget as Widget (handleMessage)
+import Phi.Widget hiding (handleMessage)
import Phi.X11.Atoms
-data XConfig = XConfig { phiXScreenInfo :: !(Connection -> IO [RECTANGLE])
+data X11 = X11 { x11Connection :: !Connection
+ , x11Atoms :: !Atoms
+ , x11Screen :: !SCREEN
+ }
+instance Display X11 where
+ type Window X11 = WINDOW
+newtype XEvent = XEvent SomeEvent deriving Typeable
+instance Show XEvent where
+ show _ = "XEvent (..)"
+data XMessage = UpdateScreens [(Rectangle, WINDOW)] deriving (Show, Typeable)
+data XConfig = XConfig { phiXScreenInfo :: !(X11 -> IO [Rectangle])
-data PhiState w s c = (Widget.Widget w s c) => PhiState { phiRootImage :: !Surface
- , phiPanels :: ![PanelState w s c]
- , phiRepaint :: !Bool
- , phiShutdown :: !Bool
- , phiShutdownHold :: !Int
- , phiWidgetState :: !s
- }
-data PanelState w s c = (Widget.Widget w s c) => PanelState { panelWindow :: !WINDOW
- , panelPixmap :: !PIXMAP
- , panelArea :: !RECTANGLE
- , panelScreenArea :: !RECTANGLE
- , panelWidgetCache :: !c
- }
+data PhiState w s c = (Widget w s c X11) => PhiState { phiRootImage :: !Surface
+ , phiPanels :: ![PanelState w s c]
+ , phiRepaint :: !Bool
+ , phiShutdown :: !Bool
+ , phiShutdownHold :: !Int
+ , phiWidgetState :: !s
+ }
+data PanelState w s c = (Widget w s c X11) => PanelState { panelWindow :: !WINDOW
+ , panelPixmap :: !PIXMAP
+ , panelArea :: !Rectangle
+ , panelScreenArea :: !Rectangle
+ , panelWidgetCache :: !c
+ }
data PhiConfig w s c = PhiConfig { phiPhi :: !Phi
, phiPanelConfig :: !Panel.PanelConfig
, phiXConfig :: !XConfig
- , phiAtoms :: !Atoms
+ , phiX11 :: !X11
+ , phiXCB :: !XCB.Connection
, phiWidget :: !w
@@ -81,17 +103,22 @@ runPhiX config st (PhiX a) = runPhiReader config $ runStateT a st
defaultXConfig = XConfig { phiXScreenInfo = getScreenInfo
-getScreenInfo :: Connection -> IO [RECTANGLE]
-getScreenInfo conn = do
+getScreenInfo :: X11 -> IO [Rectangle]
+getScreenInfo x11 = do
+ let conn = x11Connection x11
+ screen = x11Screen x11
exs <- queryScreens conn >>= getReply
case exs of
Right xs -> return . map screenInfoToRect $ screen_info_QueryScreensReply xs
- Left _ -> getGeometry conn (fromXid . toXid $ getRoot conn) >>= getReply' "getScreenInfo: getGeometry failed" >>=
- return . (\(MkGetGeometryReply _ _ x y w h _) -> [MkRECTANGLE x y w h])
+ Left _ -> getGeometry conn (fromXid . toXid $ root_SCREEN screen) >>= getReply' "getScreenInfo: getGeometry failed" >>=
+ return . (\(MkGetGeometryReply _ _ x y w h _) -> [Rectangle (fi x) (fi y) (fi w) (fi h)])
- screenInfoToRect (MkScreenInfo x y w h) = MkRECTANGLE x y w h
+ screenInfoToRect (MkScreenInfo x y w h) = Rectangle (fi x) (fi y) (fi w) (fi h)
+ fi :: (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
+ fi = fromIntegral
-runPhi :: (Widget.Widget w s c) => XConfig -> Panel.PanelConfig -> w -> IO ()
+runPhi :: (Widget w s c X11) => XConfig -> Panel.PanelConfig -> w -> IO ()
runPhi xconfig config widget = do
phi <- initPhi
@@ -102,24 +129,30 @@ runPhi xconfig config widget = do
conn <- liftM fromJust connect
xcb <- XCB.connect
+ let dispname = displayInfo conn
+ screen = (roots_Setup . connectionSetup $ conn) !! CO.screen dispname
atoms <- initAtoms conn
- changeWindowAttributes conn (getRoot conn) $ toValueParam [(CWEventMask, toMask [EventMaskPropertyChange, EventMaskStructureNotify])]
+ changeWindowAttributes conn (root_SCREEN screen) $ toValueParam [(CWEventMask, toMask [EventMaskPropertyChange, EventMaskStructureNotify])]
bg <- createImageSurface FormatRGB24 1 1
- screens <- liftIO $ phiXScreenInfo xconfig conn
- panelWindows <- mapM (createPanelWindow conn config) screens
- let dispvar = Widget.Display conn atoms
- widget' = widget <~> separator 0 (if weight widget > 0 then 0 else 1)
+ let x11 = X11 conn atoms screen
+ screens <- liftIO $ phiXScreenInfo xconfig x11
+ panelWindows <- mapM (createPanelWindow conn screen config) screens
+ let widget' = widget <~> separator 0 (if weight widget > 0 then 0 else 1)
screenPanels = zip screens panelWindows
- initialState <- Widget.initWidget widget' phi dispvar screenPanels
+ initialState <- initWidget widget' phi x11 screenPanels
PhiConfig { phiPhi = phi
, phiXConfig = xconfig
, phiPanelConfig = config
- , phiAtoms = atoms
+ , phiX11 = x11
+ , phiXCB = xcb
, phiWidget = widget'
PhiState { phiRootImage = bg
@@ -129,15 +162,15 @@ runPhi xconfig config widget = do
, phiShutdownHold = 0
, phiWidgetState = initialState
} $ do
- updateRootImage conn xcb
+ updateRootImage
- panels <- mapM (\(screen, window) -> createPanel conn window screen) screenPanels
+ panels <- mapM (\(screen, window) -> createPanel window screen) screenPanels
- forM_ panels $ setPanelProperties conn
+ forM_ panels setPanelProperties
modify $ \state -> state { phiPanels = panels }
- updatePanels conn xcb
+ updatePanels
forM_ panels $ liftIO . mapWindow conn . panelWindow
@@ -150,11 +183,11 @@ runPhi xconfig config widget = do
available <- messageAvailable phi
when (not available && repaint) $ do
- updatePanels conn xcb
+ updatePanels
modify $ \state -> state {phiRepaint = False}
message <- receiveMessage phi
- handleMessage conn xcb message
+ handleMessage message
case (fromMessage message) of
Just Shutdown ->
@@ -179,8 +212,8 @@ termHandler :: Phi -> Handler
termHandler phi = Catch $ sendMessage phi Shutdown
-handleMessage :: (Widget w s c) => Connection -> XCB.Connection -> Message -> PhiX w s c ()
-handleMessage conn xcb m = do
+handleMessage :: (Widget w s c X11) => Message -> PhiX w s c ()
+handleMessage m = do
w <- asks phiWidget
modify $ \state -> state {phiWidgetState = Widget.handleMessage w (phiWidgetState state) m}
@@ -190,81 +223,86 @@ handleMessage conn xcb m = do
_ ->
case (fromMessage m) of
Just (XEvent event) ->
- handleEvent conn xcb event
+ handleEvent event
_ ->
return ()
-handleEvent :: (Widget w s c) => Connection -> XCB.Connection -> SomeEvent -> PhiX w s c ()
-handleEvent conn xcb event =
+handleEvent :: (Widget w s c X11) => SomeEvent -> PhiX w s c ()
+handleEvent event =
case (fromEvent event) of
- Just e -> handlePropertyNotifyEvent conn xcb e
+ Just e -> handlePropertyNotifyEvent e
Nothing -> case (fromEvent event) of
- Just e -> handleConfigureNotifyEvent conn e
+ Just e -> handleConfigureNotifyEvent e
Nothing -> return ()
-handlePropertyNotifyEvent :: (Widget w s c) => Connection -> XCB.Connection -> PropertyNotifyEvent -> PhiX w s c ()
-handlePropertyNotifyEvent conn xcb MkPropertyNotifyEvent { atom_PropertyNotifyEvent = atom } = do
+handlePropertyNotifyEvent :: (Widget w s c X11) => PropertyNotifyEvent -> PhiX w s c ()
+handlePropertyNotifyEvent MkPropertyNotifyEvent { atom_PropertyNotifyEvent = atom } = do
phi <- asks phiPhi
- atoms <- asks phiAtoms
+ atoms <- asks (x11Atoms . phiX11)
panels <- gets phiPanels
when (atom == atom_XROOTPMAP_ID atoms || atom == atom_XROOTMAP_ID atoms) $ do
- updateRootImage conn xcb
+ updateRootImage
sendMessage phi ResetBackground
sendMessage phi Repaint
-handleConfigureNotifyEvent :: (Widget w s c) => Connection -> ConfigureNotifyEvent -> PhiX w s c ()
-handleConfigureNotifyEvent conn MkConfigureNotifyEvent { window_ConfigureNotifyEvent = window } | window == getRoot conn = do
- phi <- asks phiPhi
- xconfig <- asks phiXConfig
- config <- asks phiPanelConfig
- panels <- gets phiPanels
- let screens = map panelScreenArea panels
- screens' <- liftIO $ phiXScreenInfo xconfig conn
- when (screens /= screens') $ do
- liftIO $ do
- mapM_ (freePixmap conn . panelPixmap) panels
- mapM_ (destroyWindow conn . panelWindow) $ drop (length screens') panels
- let panelsScreens = zip screens' $ map Just panels ++ repeat Nothing
- panels' <- forM panelsScreens $ \(screen, mpanel) ->
- case mpanel of
- Just panel -> do
- let rect = panelBounds config screen
- win = panelWindow panel
- liftIO $ configureWindow conn win $ toValueParam [ (ConfigWindowX, fromIntegral $ x_RECTANGLE rect)
- , (ConfigWindowY, fromIntegral $ y_RECTANGLE rect)
- , (ConfigWindowWidth, fromIntegral $ width_RECTANGLE rect)
- , (ConfigWindowHeight, fromIntegral $ height_RECTANGLE rect)
- ]
- panel' <- createPanel conn win screen
- setPanelProperties conn panel'
- return panel'
- Nothing -> do
- win <- liftIO $ createPanelWindow conn config screen
- panel <- createPanel conn win screen
- setPanelProperties conn panel
- liftIO $ mapWindow conn $ panelWindow panel
- return panel
- modify $ \state -> state { phiPanels = panels' }
+handleConfigureNotifyEvent :: (Widget w s c X11) => ConfigureNotifyEvent -> PhiX w s c ()
+handleConfigureNotifyEvent MkConfigureNotifyEvent { window_ConfigureNotifyEvent = window } = do
+ x11 <- asks phiX11
+ let conn = x11Connection x11
+ screen = x11Screen x11
+ rootWindow = root_SCREEN screen
+ when (window == rootWindow) $ do
+ phi <- asks phiPhi
+ xconfig <- asks phiXConfig
+ config <- asks phiPanelConfig
+ panels <- gets phiPanels
+ let screens = map panelScreenArea panels
+ screens' <- liftIO $ phiXScreenInfo xconfig x11
- sendMessage phi $ UpdateScreens $ map (panelScreenArea &&& panelWindow) panels'
- sendMessage phi Repaint
-handleConfigureNotifyEvent _ _ = return ()
+ when (screens /= screens') $ do
+ liftIO $ do
+ mapM_ (freePixmap conn . panelPixmap) panels
+ mapM_ (destroyWindow conn . panelWindow) $ drop (length screens') panels
+ let panelsScreens = zip screens' $ map Just panels ++ repeat Nothing
+ panels' <- forM panelsScreens $ \(screenarea, mpanel) ->
+ case mpanel of
+ Just panel -> do
+ let rect = panelBounds config screenarea
+ win = panelWindow panel
+ liftIO $ configureWindow conn win $ toValueParam [ (ConfigWindowX, fromIntegral $ rect_x rect)
+ , (ConfigWindowY, fromIntegral $ rect_y rect)
+ , (ConfigWindowWidth, fromIntegral $ rect_width rect)
+ , (ConfigWindowHeight, fromIntegral $ rect_height rect)
+ ]
+ panel' <- createPanel win screenarea
+ setPanelProperties panel'
+ return panel'
+ Nothing -> do
+ win <- liftIO $ createPanelWindow conn screen config screenarea
+ panel <- createPanel win screenarea
+ setPanelProperties panel
+ liftIO $ mapWindow conn $ panelWindow panel
+ return panel
+ modify $ \state -> state { phiPanels = panels' }
+ sendMessage phi $ UpdateScreens $ map (panelScreenArea &&& panelWindow) panels'
+ sendMessage phi Repaint
receiveEvents :: Phi -> Connection -> IO ()
receiveEvents phi conn = do
forever $ waitForEvent conn >>= sendMessage phi . XEvent
-updatePanels :: (Widget w s c) => Connection -> XCB.Connection -> PhiX w s c ()
-updatePanels conn xcb = do
+updatePanels :: (Widget w s c X11) => PhiX w s c ()
+updatePanels = do
+ X11 conn _ screen <- asks phiX11
+ xcb <- asks phiXCB
w <- asks phiWidget
s <- gets phiWidgetState
rootImage <- gets phiRootImage
@@ -275,17 +313,16 @@ updatePanels conn xcb = do
area = panelArea panel
(panelSurfaces, cache') <- liftIO $ flip runStateT (panelWidgetCache panel) $
- (withDimension area $ Widget.render w s 0 0) (panelScreenArea panel)
+ (withDimension area $ render w s 0 0) (panelScreenArea panel)
- let screen = head . roots_Setup . connectionSetup $ conn
- visualtype = fromJust $ findVisualtype screen (root_visual_SCREEN screen)
+ let visualtype = fromJust $ findVisualtype screen (root_visual_SCREEN screen)
xbuffer <- liftIO $ withDimension area $ XCB.createXCBSurface xcb (fromXid . toXid $ pixmap) visualtype
liftIO $ (withDimension area $ withSimilarSurface xbuffer ContentColor) $ \buffer -> do
renderWith buffer $ do
- translate (-(fromIntegral $ x_RECTANGLE area)) (-(fromIntegral $ y_RECTANGLE area))
+ translate (-(fromIntegral $ rect_x area)) (-(fromIntegral $ rect_y area))
withPatternForSurface rootImage $ \pattern -> do
patternSetExtend pattern ExtendRepeat
setSource pattern
@@ -313,12 +350,12 @@ updatePanels conn xcb = do
modify $ \state -> state { phiPanels = panels' }
-updateRootImage :: Connection -> XCB.Connection -> PhiX w s c ()
-updateRootImage conn xcb = do
- atoms <- asks phiAtoms
+updateRootImage :: PhiX w s c ()
+updateRootImage = do
+ X11 conn atoms screen <- asks phiX11
+ xcb <- asks phiXCB
- let screen = head . roots_Setup . connectionSetup $ conn
- visualtype = fromJust $ findVisualtype screen (root_visual_SCREEN screen)
+ let visualtype = fromJust $ findVisualtype screen (root_visual_SCREEN screen)
rootwin = root_SCREEN screen
pixmap <- liftM (fromXid . toXid . fromMaybe 0 . listToMaybe . join . catMaybes) $ forM [atom_XROOTPMAP_ID atoms, atom_XROOTMAP_ID atoms] $
@@ -355,12 +392,12 @@ updateRootImage conn xcb = do
return ()
-createPanel :: (Widget w s c) => Connection -> WINDOW -> RECTANGLE -> PhiX w s c (PanelState w s c)
-createPanel conn win screenRect = do
+createPanel :: (Widget w s c X11) => WINDOW -> Rectangle -> PhiX w s c (PanelState w s c)
+createPanel win screenRect = do
+ (conn, screen) <- asks $ (x11Connection &&& x11Screen) . phiX11
config <- asks phiPanelConfig
w <- asks phiWidget
let rect = panelBounds config screenRect
- screen = head . roots_Setup . connectionSetup $ conn
depth = root_depth_SCREEN screen
pixmap <- liftIO $ newResource conn
@@ -374,10 +411,9 @@ createPanel conn win screenRect = do
, panelWidgetCache = initCache w
-createPanelWindow :: Connection -> Panel.PanelConfig -> RECTANGLE -> IO WINDOW
-createPanelWindow conn config screenRect = do
+createPanelWindow :: Connection -> SCREEN -> Panel.PanelConfig -> Rectangle -> IO WINDOW
+createPanelWindow conn screen config screenRect = do
let rect = panelBounds config screenRect
- screen = head . roots_Setup . connectionSetup $ conn
depth = root_depth_SCREEN screen
rootwin = root_SCREEN screen
visual = root_visual_SCREEN screen
@@ -387,9 +423,9 @@ createPanelWindow conn config screenRect = do
return win
-setPanelProperties :: Connection -> PanelState w s c -> PhiX w s c ()
-setPanelProperties conn panel = do
- atoms <- asks phiAtoms
+setPanelProperties :: PanelState w s c -> PhiX w s c ()
+setPanelProperties panel = do
+ (conn, atoms) <- asks $ (x11Connection &&& x11Atoms) . phiX11
liftIO $ do
let name = map (fromIntegral . ord) "Phi"
changeProperty8 conn PropModeReplace (panelWindow panel) (atomWM_NAME atoms) (atomSTRING atoms) name
@@ -408,28 +444,28 @@ setPanelProperties conn panel = do
changeProperty8 conn PropModeReplace (panelWindow panel) (atomWM_CLASS atoms) (atomSTRING atoms) $ map (fromIntegral . ord) "phi\0Phi"
- setStruts conn panel
+ setStruts panel
-setStruts :: Connection -> PanelState w s c -> PhiX w s c ()
-setStruts conn panel = do
- atoms <- asks phiAtoms
+setStruts :: PanelState w s c -> PhiX w s c ()
+setStruts panel = do
+ X11 conn atoms screen <- asks phiX11
config <- asks phiPanelConfig
- let rootwin = getRoot conn
+ let rootwin = root_SCREEN screen
position = Panel.panelPosition config
area = panelArea panel
rootHeight <- liftIO $ getGeometry conn (fromXid . toXid $ rootwin) >>= getReply' "setStruts: getGeometry failed" >>= return . height_GetGeometryReply
let struts = [makeStruts i | i <- [0..11]]
- makeTopStruts 2 = (fromIntegral $ y_RECTANGLE area) + (fromIntegral $ height_RECTANGLE area)
- makeTopStruts 8 = (fromIntegral $ x_RECTANGLE area)
- makeTopStruts 9 = (fromIntegral $ x_RECTANGLE area) + (fromIntegral $ width_RECTANGLE area) - 1
+ makeTopStruts 2 = (fromIntegral $ rect_y area) + (fromIntegral $ rect_height area)
+ makeTopStruts 8 = (fromIntegral $ rect_x area)
+ makeTopStruts 9 = (fromIntegral $ rect_x area) + (fromIntegral $ rect_width area) - 1
makeTopStruts _ = 0
- makeBottomStruts 3 = (fromIntegral rootHeight) - (fromIntegral $ y_RECTANGLE area)
- makeBottomStruts 10 = (fromIntegral $ x_RECTANGLE area)
- makeBottomStruts 11 = (fromIntegral $ x_RECTANGLE area) + (fromIntegral $ width_RECTANGLE area) - 1
+ makeBottomStruts 3 = (fromIntegral rootHeight) - (fromIntegral $ rect_y area)
+ makeBottomStruts 10 = (fromIntegral $ rect_x area)
+ makeBottomStruts 11 = (fromIntegral $ rect_x area) + (fromIntegral $ rect_width area) - 1
makeBottomStruts _ = 0
makeStruts = case position of
@@ -441,17 +477,17 @@ setStruts conn panel = do
changeProperty32 conn PropModeReplace (panelWindow panel) (atom_NET_WM_STRUT_PARTIAL atoms) (atomCARDINAL atoms) struts
-panelBounds :: Panel.PanelConfig -> RECTANGLE -> RECTANGLE
+panelBounds :: Panel.PanelConfig -> Rectangle -> Rectangle
panelBounds config screenBounds = case Panel.panelPosition config of
- Phi.Top -> screenBounds { height_RECTANGLE = fromIntegral $ Panel.panelSize config }
- Phi.Bottom -> screenBounds { height_RECTANGLE = fromIntegral $ Panel.panelSize config,
- y_RECTANGLE = (y_RECTANGLE screenBounds) + (fromIntegral $ height_RECTANGLE screenBounds) - (fromIntegral $ Panel.panelSize config) }
+ Phi.Top -> screenBounds { rect_height = Panel.panelSize config }
+ Phi.Bottom -> screenBounds { rect_height = Panel.panelSize config,
+ rect_y = rect_y screenBounds + rect_height screenBounds - Panel.panelSize config }
-withRectangle :: (Num x, Num y, Num w, Num h) => RECTANGLE -> (x -> y -> w -> h -> a) -> a
+withRectangle :: (Num x, Num y, Num w, Num h) => Rectangle -> (x -> y -> w -> h -> a) -> a
withRectangle r = withDimension r . withPosition r
-withPosition :: (Num x, Num y) => RECTANGLE -> (x -> y -> a) -> a
-withPosition r f = f (fromIntegral $ x_RECTANGLE r) (fromIntegral $ y_RECTANGLE r)
+withPosition :: (Num x, Num y) => Rectangle -> (x -> y -> a) -> a
+withPosition r f = f (fromIntegral $ rect_x r) (fromIntegral $ rect_y r)
-withDimension :: (Num w, Num h) => RECTANGLE -> (w -> h -> a) -> a
-withDimension r f = f (fromIntegral $ width_RECTANGLE r) (fromIntegral $ height_RECTANGLE r)
+withDimension :: (Num w, Num h) => Rectangle -> (w -> h -> a) -> a
+withDimension r f = f (fromIntegral $ rect_width r) (fromIntegral $ rect_height r)
diff --git a/lib/Phi/X11/AtomList.hs b/lib/Phi/X11/AtomList.hs
index 5fbd98c..31a029a 100644
--- a/lib/Phi/X11/AtomList.hs
+++ b/lib/Phi/X11/AtomList.hs
@@ -53,4 +53,4 @@ atoms = [ "ATOM"
-- the expression must have the type (Connection -> String)
specialAtoms :: [(String, Q Exp)]
specialAtoms = [ ("_NET_SYSTEM_TRAY_SCREEN", [|("_NET_SYSTEM_TRAY_S" ++) . show . screen . displayInfo|])
- ] \ No newline at end of file
+ ]
diff --git a/phi.cabal b/phi.cabal
index 9d055f4..d498176 100644
--- a/phi.cabal
+++ b/phi.cabal
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ library
build-depends: base >= 4, template-haskell, stm, array, containers, transformers, mtl, utf8-string, time, old-locale, xhb,
cairo, pango, unix, data-accessor, arrows, CacheArrow
exposed-modules: Phi.Types, Phi.Phi, Phi.Panel, Phi.Widget, Phi.Border, Phi.X11
- Phi.Widgets.AlphaBox, Phi.Widgets.Clock, Phi.Widgets.Taskbar
+ Phi.Widgets.AlphaBox, Phi.Widgets.Clock, Phi.Widgets.X11.Taskbar
-- , Phi.Widgets.Systray
other-modules: Phi.X11.Util, Phi.X11.Atoms, Phi.X11.AtomList, Phi.Bindings.XCB
include-dirs: include
diff --git a/src/Phi.hs b/src/Phi.hs
index c5ba113..5cab565 100644
--- a/src/Phi.hs
+++ b/src/Phi.hs
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ import Phi.X11
import Phi.Widgets.AlphaBox
import Phi.Widgets.Clock
-import Phi.Widgets.Taskbar
---import Phi.Widgets.Systray
+import Phi.Widgets.X11.Taskbar
+--import Phi.Widgets.X11.Systray
main :: IO ()
@@ -52,5 +52,5 @@ main = do
, lineSpacing = (-3)
, clockSize = 75
- brightBorder :: (Widget w s c) => w -> Border w s c
+ brightBorder :: (Widget w s c d) => w -> Border w s c d
brightBorder = border normalDesktopBorder