AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
15 hoursrebel-parse: tokenize: allow whitespae in interpolated expressionsmainMatthias Schiffer
16 hoursrebel-parse: parse-string: print "µs" instead of "us"Matthias Schiffer
16 hoursrebel-parse: tokenize: add support for string interpolationMatthias Schiffer
16 hoursrebel-parse: tokenize: handle escapes in regular stringsMatthias Schiffer
16 hoursrebel-parse: token: represent string tokens as a Vec as wellMatthias Schiffer
16 hoursrebel-parse: ast: represent strings as a Vec of piecesMatthias Schiffer
18 hoursrebel-parse: add support for !Copy tokensMatthias Schiffer
18 hoursrebel-parse: use git version of pegMatthias Schiffer
18 hoursUpdate dependenciesMatthias Schiffer
37 hoursrebel-parse: ast: derive Eq for all typesMatthias Schiffer
38 hoursrebel-parse: do not represent different string types in ASTMatthias Schiffer
38 hoursrebel-parse: token: separate Number from String variantsMatthias Schiffer
38 hoursrebel-parse: token: remove Ident structMatthias Schiffer
3 daysrebel-parse: use positional arguments for nowMatthias Schiffer
3 daysrebel-parse: introduce method calls as an Expr variantMatthias Schiffer
4 daysrebel-parse: add benchmarkMatthias Schiffer
4 daysrebel-parse: separate tokenization stepMatthias Schiffer
4 daysrebel-parse: Initial RecipeLang parser implementationMatthias Schiffer
5 daysexamples: Add RecipeLang exampleMatthias Schiffer
6 daysMove rebel-parse dependency from rebel-resolve to rebelMatthias Schiffer
6 daysdriver: parse: improve some rule and type names, order from high-level to low...Matthias Schiffer
6 daysIntroduce rebel-resolve moduleMatthias Schiffer
6 daysrebel: avoid thread-local for reading recipesMatthias Schiffer
6 daysIntroduce TaskIDRef typeMatthias Schiffer
6 daysUpdate dependenciesMatthias Schiffer
6 daysrebel: move parsing to a separate crateMatthias Schiffer
6 daysReference local packages by their actual namesMatthias Schiffer
6 daysRename directories to match crate namesMatthias Schiffer
6 daysReplace recipe separator with ::Matthias Schiffer
7 daysdriver: rename task_setup() to task_preamble(), improve code styleMatthias Schiffer
13 daysReplace 'inherit' recipe field with 'parent'Matthias Schiffer
13 daysdriver: template: rename eval() to eval_sh(), eval_raw() to eval()Matthias Schiffer
13 daysUpdate dependenciesMatthias Schiffer
2024-04-07runner: task: print detailed CPU usage for finished tasksMatthias Schiffer
2024-04-07driver: implement "soft" SIGINT handlingMatthias Schiffer
2024-04-07runner: detach from driver session/process groupMatthias Schiffer
2024-04-06driver: add --keep-going flagMatthias Schiffer
2024-04-06driver: do not kill remaining tasks immediately on failureMatthias Schiffer
2024-04-06driver: recipe: add comment regarding file sortingMatthias Schiffer
2024-04-06driver: move RecipeMeta to recipe moduleMatthias Schiffer
2024-04-06driver: recipe: use separate structs for recipe and subrecipe readingMatthias Schiffer
2024-04-06examples: use {{name}} instead of {{basename}}Matthias Schiffer
2024-04-06driver: add overrideable recipe name variableMatthias Schiffer
2024-04-06driver: refactor CompletionState::task_deps()Matthias Schiffer
2024-04-05runner: task: do not pass INPUT_HASH in task environmentMatthias Schiffer
2024-04-05examples: image: do not rely on INPUT_HASH for reproducibilityMatthias Schiffer
2024-04-05driver: recipe: let subrecipes inherit meta from parentMatthias Schiffer
2024-04-05driver: recipe: refactor recipe readingMatthias Schiffer
2024-04-05driver: do not allow overriding basename, provide additional variables to tasksMatthias Schiffer
2024-04-04driver: resolve: limit number of reported errorsMatthias Schiffer