calculatePosition(int, int) - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.StonePainter
calculateTableExtent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.TablePanel
cancelButton - Variable in class jrummikub.view.impl.ConnectPanel
cancelButton - Variable in class jrummikub.view.impl.GameListPanel
cancelButton - Variable in class jrummikub.view.impl.QuitWarningPanel
cancelEvent - Variable in class jrummikub.control.LoginControl
cancelEvent - Variable in class jrummikub.view.impl.ConnectPanel
cancelEvent - Variable in class jrummikub.view.impl.GameListPanel
cancelEvent - Variable in class jrummikub.view.impl.LoginPanel
cancelEvent - Variable in class jrummikub.view.impl.QuitWarningPanel
canRowDown() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.HandPanel
Is there a lower row than the current row
canRowUp() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.HandPanel
Is there a higher row than the current row
changeColor(Color) - Method in class jrummikub.control.network.ConnectionControl
changeColor(Color) - Method in interface jrummikub.control.network.IConnectionControl
changeColor(Color) - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.SettingsPanel.PlayerSettingsPanel
changeColorEvent - Variable in class jrummikub.control.network.ConnectionControl
changedStones - Variable in class jrummikub.ai.TurnLogic.State
The stones that were changed since the previous state
changedUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.SettingsPanel.PlayerSettingsPanel.NameChangeListener
changeHighestValueEvent - Variable in class jrummikub.view.impl.SettingsPanel
changeInitialMeldThresholdEvent - Variable in class jrummikub.view.impl.SettingsPanel
changeJokerNumberEvent - Variable in class jrummikub.view.impl.SettingsPanel
changeName() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.SettingsPanel.PlayerSettingsPanel
changeNoLimitsEvent - Variable in class jrummikub.view.impl.SettingsPanel
changeNumberOfStonesDealtEvent - Variable in class jrummikub.view.impl.SettingsPanel
changePlayerColorEvent - Variable in class jrummikub.view.impl.SettingsPanel
changePlayerNameEvent - Variable in class jrummikub.view.impl.SettingsPanel
changePlayerTypeEvent - Variable in class jrummikub.view.impl.SettingsPanel
changeSeeHandSizeEvent - Variable in class jrummikub.view.impl.SettingsPanel
changeStoneColorsEvent - Variable in class jrummikub.view.impl.SettingsPanel
changeStoneSetNumberEvent - Variable in class jrummikub.view.impl.SettingsPanel
changeTimeEvent - Variable in class jrummikub.view.impl.SettingsPanel
changeType() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.SettingsPanel.PlayerSettingsPanel
channelName - Variable in class jrummikub.util.LoginData
channelNameField - Variable in class jrummikub.view.impl.LoginPanel
checkErrors() - Method in class jrummikub.control.AbstractSettingsControl
Check options leading to errors
checkGroupRunExclusive() - Method in class jrummikub.ai.TurnLogic.StoneState
If we need to be in a group and in a run at the same time we have a contradiction
checkJokerColor() - Method in class jrummikub.ai.TurnLogic.StoneState
Try to derive the color of a joker stone from it's neighbor(s)
checkJokerCount() - Method in class jrummikub.ai.TurnLogic.State
Checks that not more jokers than available are needed
checkJokerValue() - Method in class jrummikub.ai.TurnLogic.StoneState
Try to derive the value of a joker stone from it's neighbor(s)
checkLonelyStone() - Method in class jrummikub.ai.TurnLogic.StoneState
If we have no group/run neighbors and no left/right neighbors but are on the table we need to have a neighbor for the remaining case
checkName() - Method in class jrummikub.control.AbstractSettingsControl
Checks if unique player name is present for each player
checkNeighborStoneNeeded() - Method in class jrummikub.ai.TurnLogic.StoneState
If we have a neighbor that is on the end of a set we can't be on the end either
checkPlayers() - Method in class jrummikub.control.network.GameOfferControl
checkScoreAndPoints() - Method in class jrummikub.ai.TurnLogic.State
Checks that enough points and a high enough score can be reached
checkSettings() - Method in class jrummikub.control.AbstractSettingsControl
Checks the settings for ambiguous or missing data and sets error/warning if necessary
checkSetTypeKnown() - Method in class jrummikub.ai.TurnLogic.StoneState
If this stone has to be in a group it can't be part of a run and the other way around
checkState() - Method in class jrummikub.ai.TurnLogic.StoneState
Enforce local rule consistency
checkStoneCanBeOnTable() - Method in class jrummikub.ai.TurnLogic.StoneState
When we need to have some kind of neighbor but there isn't any possible one we're either not on the table or if we have to have a contradiction
checkTurn() - Method in class jrummikub.control.turn.AbstractTurnControl
checkWarnings() - Method in class jrummikub.control.AbstractSettingsControl
Check all options and player settings for entries causing warnings
chooser - Variable in class jrummikub.view.impl.View
CIRCLE_POS - Static variable in class jrummikub.view.impl.StonePainter
CIRCLE_WIDTH - Static variable in class jrummikub.view.impl.StonePainter
classify(GameSettings) - Method in class jrummikub.model.StoneSet
Test for rule conflict within the StoneSet and determine whether the set is a group or a run
classifyJokersOnly(GameSettings) - Method in class jrummikub.model.StoneSet
Test for rule conflict within a StoneSet with jokers only and determine whether the set is a group or a run
cleanUp() - Method in class jrummikub.control.turn.AbstractTurnControl
cleanUp() - Method in class jrummikub.control.turn.AIControl
clearView() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.View
clearView() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.IView
Hides all view elements and panels except for the cleared table and an empty hand panel
clickAt(Point, int, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.AbstractStonePanel
clickAt is called when a click has occurred
clickEvent - Variable in class jrummikub.view.impl.AbstractStonePanel
clone() - Method in interface jrummikub.model.IStoneTray
Create a clone of the StoneTray
clone() - Method in class jrummikub.model.StoneTray
COLLECTION_GAP - Variable in class jrummikub.view.impl.TablePanel
COLLECTION_RATIO - Variable in class jrummikub.view.impl.TablePanel
collectionSetClick(Stone, boolean) - Method in class jrummikub.control.turn.HumanTurnControl
collectionStoneClick(Stone, boolean) - Method in class jrummikub.control.turn.HumanTurnControl
color - Variable in class jrummikub.ai.TurnLogic.StoneState
color - Variable in class jrummikub.model.PlayerSettings
color - Variable in class jrummikub.model.Stone
colorButton - Variable in class jrummikub.view.impl.SettingsPanel.PlayerSettingsPanel
colorButtons - Variable in class jrummikub.view.impl.SettingsPanel
colorChangable - Variable in class jrummikub.view.impl.SettingsPanel.PlayerSettingsPanel
colorLabel - Variable in class jrummikub.view.impl.SidePanel
colorLabelPanel - Variable in class jrummikub.view.impl.SettingsPanel
colorSelectionPanel - Variable in class jrummikub.view.impl.SettingsPanel
comparator - Static variable in class jrummikub.model.Hand
The measure to compare the stones by
compare(Stone, Stone) - Method in class jrummikub.control.turn.HumanTurnControl.GroupComparator
compare(Pair<Stone, Position>, Pair<Stone, Position>) - Method in class jrummikub.control.turn.HumanTurnControl.HandStonePositionComparator
compare(Stone, Stone) - Method in class jrummikub.control.turn.HumanTurnControl.RunComparator
compareColors(Stone, Stone) - Static method in class jrummikub.control.turn.HumanTurnControl
compareJokers(Stone, Stone) - Static method in class jrummikub.control.turn.HumanTurnControl
compareValues(Stone, Stone) - Static method in class jrummikub.control.turn.HumanTurnControl
componentResized(ComponentEvent) - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.PlayerPanel.LeftPanelResizeListener
componentResized(ComponentEvent) - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.PlayerPanel.RightPanelResizeListener
compute() - Method in class jrummikub.control.turn.AIControl
connect() - Method in class jrummikub.control.network.ConnectionControl
connect() - Method in interface jrummikub.control.network.IConnectionControl
connectedEvent - Variable in class jrummikub.control.network.ConnectionControl
connection - Variable in class jrummikub.control.network.ConnectionControl
Connection - Interface in jrummikub.util
A Connection object can be used to remove a listener from a event
connectionClosed() - Method in class jrummikub.control.network.ConnectionControl.ConnectRunner.DisconnectListener
connectionClosedOnError(Exception) - Method in class jrummikub.control.network.ConnectionControl.ConnectRunner.DisconnectListener
connectionControl - Variable in class jrummikub.control.network.AbstractGameBeginControl
ConnectionControl - Class in jrummikub.control.network
Connection control managing network connections, messages and events
ConnectionControl(LoginData) - Constructor for class jrummikub.control.network.ConnectionControl
Creates new connection control
connectionControl - Variable in class jrummikub.control.network.NetworkControl
connectionControl - Variable in class jrummikub.control.network.NetworkGameControl
connectionControl - Variable in class jrummikub.control.network.NetworkRoundControl
connectionControl - Variable in class jrummikub.control.network.NetworkTurnControl
ConnectionControl.ConnectRunner - Class in jrummikub.control.network
ConnectionControl.ConnectRunner() - Constructor for class jrummikub.control.network.ConnectionControl.ConnectRunner
ConnectionControl.ConnectRunner.DisconnectListener - Class in jrummikub.control.network
ConnectionControl.ConnectRunner.DisconnectListener() - Constructor for class jrummikub.control.network.ConnectionControl.ConnectRunner.DisconnectListener
ConnectionControl.ConnectRunner.LeaveListener - Class in jrummikub.control.network
ConnectionControl.ConnectRunner.LeaveListener() - Constructor for class jrummikub.control.network.ConnectionControl.ConnectRunner.LeaveListener
ConnectionControl.SendRunner - Class in jrummikub.control.network
ConnectionControl.SendRunner() - Constructor for class jrummikub.control.network.ConnectionControl.SendRunner
ConnectionControl.TurnEndData - Class in jrummikub.control.network
ConnectionControl.TurnEndData(IRoundState, RoundControl.InvalidTurnInfo) - Constructor for class jrummikub.control.network.ConnectionControl.TurnEndData
connectionFailedEvent - Variable in class jrummikub.control.network.ConnectionControl
connectionLost() - Method in class jrummikub.control.network.NetworkGameControl
connectionLostEvent - Variable in class jrummikub.control.network.ConnectionControl
connectionLostLabel - Variable in class jrummikub.view.impl.RoundEndPanel
connections - Variable in class jrummikub.control.AbstractSettingsControl
connections - Variable in class jrummikub.control.GameControl
connections - Variable in class jrummikub.control.LoginControl
connections - Variable in class jrummikub.control.network.AbstractGameBeginControl
connections - Variable in class jrummikub.control.network.NetworkControl
connections - Variable in class jrummikub.control.RoundControl
connections - Variable in class jrummikub.control.turn.AbstractTurnControl
CONNECTOR_WIDTH - Static variable in class jrummikub.view.impl.TablePanel
connectorClick(StoneSet, boolean) - Method in class jrummikub.control.turn.HumanTurnControl
ConnectPanel - Class in jrummikub.view.impl
Panel shown during network connecting process and showing errors
ConnectPanel() - Constructor for class jrummikub.view.impl.ConnectPanel
Creates new connection panel
connectPanel - Variable in class jrummikub.view.impl.View
contains(E) - Method in interface jrummikub.model.IStoneTray
Search for an object within the stone tray
contains(E) - Method in class jrummikub.model.StoneTray
content - Variable in class jrummikub.view.impl.SidePanel.BottomScrollPane
continueGame(GameState, IRoundState) - Method in class jrummikub.control.GameControl
Continues game after loading
continueRound() - Method in class jrummikub.control.RoundControl
Continue a saved round after loading
countStones(List<Stone>) - Static method in class jrummikub.model.Hand
Counts the numbers of stones
create() - Method in class jrummikub.control.turn.TurnControlFactory
Creates a new turn control instance
createButton(JPanel, String, ActionListener) - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.PlayerPanel
createButton(String, Event) - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.QuitWarningPanel
createButton(String, Event) - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.SettingsPanel
createButtons() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.RoundEndPanel
createColorButton(StoneColor) - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.SettingsPanel
createColorIcon(Color, int, int) - Static method in class jrummikub.view.impl.ImageUtil
createColorSelectionPanel() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.SettingsPanel
createControls(PlayerSettings) - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.SettingsPanel.PlayerSettingsPanel
createDecorationStones() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.View
createFileChooser() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.View
createGameControl(GameSettings, boolean) - Method in class jrummikub.control.network.NetworkControl
createGameInfoPanel() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.SidePanel
createGameJoinControl() - Method in class jrummikub.control.network.NetworkControl
createGameList() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.GameListPanel
Creates the game list to be displayed in the panel
createGameOfferControl(GameSettings) - Method in class jrummikub.control.network.NetworkControl
createInputFields() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.LoginPanel
createJRummikubExtension() - Static method in class jrummikub.control.network.ConnectionControl
createLabels() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.SettingsPanel.PlayerSettingsPanel
createLayeredPane() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.View
createLeftPanel() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.PlayerPanel
createLoginControl(boolean) - Method in class jrummikub.control.ApplicationControl
Create a new network login control
createMainLayer() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.View
createMenuBar() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.View
createMenuItem(String, Event) - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.View
createMessage(PacketExtension) - Method in class jrummikub.control.network.ConnectionControl
createNetworkControl(LoginData) - Method in class jrummikub.control.ApplicationControl
Create a new network game control
createOptionCheckbox(Event1<Boolean>) - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.SettingsPanel
createOptionsPanel() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.SettingsPanel
createOptionSpinner(int, int, int, Event1<Integer>) - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.SettingsPanel
createPauseIcon(int) - Static method in class jrummikub.view.impl.ImageUtil
createPauseStoneSets() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.TablePanel
createPlayerSetupPanel() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.SettingsPanel
createRightPanel() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.PlayerPanel
createRightPanelButtons() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.PlayerPanel
createRoundControl(IRoundState) - Method in class jrummikub.control.GameControl
Creates a new round control with the specified round state
createRoundControl(IRoundState) - Method in class jrummikub.control.network.NetworkGameControl
createRoundState() - Method in class jrummikub.control.GameControl
Creates a new round State
createRoundState() - Method in class jrummikub.control.network.NetworkGameControl
createRuleInfoPanel() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.SidePanel
createRuleLine(JPanel, String, int) - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.SidePanel
createSettingsControl() - Method in class jrummikub.control.network.NetworkControl
createSettingsPanel() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.View
createTurnControl() - Method in class jrummikub.control.network.NetworkRoundControl
createTurnControl() - Method in class jrummikub.control.RoundControl
Creates new turn control of the specified type
currentGame - Variable in class jrummikub.control.network.ConnectionControl
currentlyActive - Variable in class jrummikub.control.network.NetworkRoundControl
currentPlayerColor - Variable in class jrummikub.view.impl.StartTurnPanel
currentPlayerName - Variable in class jrummikub.view.impl.StartTurnPanel
currentPlayerNameLabel - Variable in class jrummikub.view.impl.PlayerPanel
currentRow - Variable in class jrummikub.view.impl.HandPanel
cycleStep(Integer, Integer) - Method in class jrummikub.ai.TurnLogic.StoneState
Checks whether a and b are consecutive integers modulo highest value or either i snull