gameControl - Variable in class jrummikub.control.ApplicationControl
GameControl - Class in jrummikub.control
Controls a Game, at some point including all Rounds, starts new Rounds
GameControl(GameSettings, SaveControl, IView) - Constructor for class jrummikub.control.GameControl
gameControl - Variable in class jrummikub.control.network.NetworkControl
gameData - Variable in class jrummikub.control.network.AbstractGameBeginControl
GameData - Class in jrummikub.util
Class summarizing the game data important for unique and sensible network representation and use
GameData(UUID, GameSettings) - Constructor for class jrummikub.util.GameData
Creates new game data
GameData(UUID, GameSettings, String) - Constructor for class jrummikub.util.GameData
Creates new game data
gameID - Variable in class jrummikub.util.GameData
gameInfoPanel - Variable in class jrummikub.view.impl.SidePanel.InfoPanel
gameJoinAckEvent - Variable in class jrummikub.control.network.ConnectionControl
GameJoinControl - Class in jrummikub.control.network
Control for joining a network game
GameJoinControl(IConnectionControl, GameData, IView) - Constructor for class jrummikub.control.network.GameJoinControl
Creates new game join control
gameJoinControl - Variable in class jrummikub.control.network.NetworkControl
gameJoinEvent - Variable in class jrummikub.control.network.ConnectionControl
gameLeaveEvent - Variable in class jrummikub.control.network.ConnectionControl
gameList - Variable in class jrummikub.view.impl.GameListPanel
GameListPanel - Class in jrummikub.view.impl
GameListPanel() - Constructor for class jrummikub.view.impl.GameListPanel
Creates new game list panel
gameListPanel - Variable in class jrummikub.view.impl.View
GameListPanel.GameDataCellRenderer - Class in jrummikub.view.impl
Class presenting the game data in a readable way
GameListPanel.GameDataCellRenderer() - Constructor for class jrummikub.view.impl.GameListPanel.GameDataCellRenderer
Create new game data cell renderer
gameMap - Variable in class jrummikub.control.network.NetworkControl
GameOfferControl - Class in jrummikub.control.network
Control for network game host
GameOfferControl(IConnectionControl, GameSettings, IView) - Constructor for class jrummikub.control.network.GameOfferControl
Creates new game offer control
gameOfferControl - Variable in class jrummikub.control.network.NetworkControl
gameOfferEvent - Variable in class jrummikub.control.network.ConnectionControl
games - Variable in class jrummikub.control.network.NetworkControl
games - Variable in class jrummikub.view.impl.GameListPanel
gameSettings - Variable in class jrummikub.control.GameControl
gameSettings - Variable in class jrummikub.control.SaveControl
GameSettings - Class in jrummikub.model
The overall game settings
GameSettings() - Constructor for class jrummikub.model.GameSettings
Creates new GameSettings with default values
gameSettings - Variable in class jrummikub.model.RoundState
gameSettings - Variable in class jrummikub.model.Table
gameSettings - Variable in class jrummikub.util.GameData
gameSettings - Variable in class jrummikub.view.impl.SidePanel
gameStartEvent - Variable in class jrummikub.control.network.ConnectionControl
gameStartEvent - Variable in class jrummikub.control.network.GameJoinControl
gameStartEvent - Variable in class jrummikub.control.network.GameOfferControl
gameState - Variable in class jrummikub.control.GameControl
gameState - Variable in class jrummikub.control.SaveControl
GameState - Class in jrummikub.model
Class that stores information for a game of multiple rounds
GameState() - Constructor for class jrummikub.model.GameState
gameState - Variable in class jrummikub.model.RoundState
gameWithdrawalEvent - Variable in class jrummikub.control.network.ConnectionControl
generator - Variable in class jrummikub.model.StoneHeap
get(int) - Method in class jrummikub.model.StoneSet
Returns the i-th stone of the set (starting with 0)
getAccumulatedScore() - Method in class jrummikub.model.GameState
Calculated the accumulated score over the played rounds
getAcknowledgeConnectionLostEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.StartTurnPanel
getAcknowledgeConnectionLostEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.View
getAcknowledgeConnectionLostEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.IView
The acknoledge connection lost event is emitted when the user has acknowledged that the network connection was lost
getAcknowledgeInvalidEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.StartTurnPanel
getAcknowledgeInvalidEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.View
getAcknowledgeInvalidEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.IView
The start turn event is emitted when the player knows what invalid stones he played
getActivePlayer() - Method in interface jrummikub.model.IRoundState
Returns the currently active player
getActivePlayer() - Method in class jrummikub.model.RoundState
getAddPlayerEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.SettingsPanel
getAddPlayerEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.ISettingsPanel
The add player event is emitted when the user wants to add a player to the player list
getBackEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.control.network.AbstractGameBeginControl
The back event is emitted when the player wants to go back to the previous control and panel
getBackEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.control.network.NetworkSettingsControl
The get back event is emitted when the player wants to go back to the previous settings panel
getBackEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.SettingsPanel
getBackEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.ISettingsPanel
Emitted when the user wants to go back to the panel before
getBackToLoginEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.control.network.NetworkControl
The back to login event is emitted when the player aborted the connecting process or when a connection error has occured and been acknowledged
getCancelEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.control.LoginControl
Getter for cancelEvent
getCancelEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.IConnectPanel
Is emitted when the user wants to abort connecting or has acknowledged the error
getCancelEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.IGameListPanel
Emitted when the network game is canceled
getCancelEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.ILoginPanel
Emitted when the user cancels the login process
getCancelEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.ConnectPanel
getCancelEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.GameListPanel
getCancelEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.LoginPanel
getCancelEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.QuitWarningPanel
getCancelEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.IQuitWarningPanel
Is emitted if the user selected quit by mistake
getChangeColorEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.control.network.ConnectionControl
getChangeColorEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.control.network.IConnectionControl
getChangeHighestValueEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.SettingsPanel
getChangeHighestValueEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.ISettingsPanel
The change highest value event is emitted when the user wants to set the highest Stone value
getChangeInitialMeldThresholdEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.SettingsPanel
getChangeInitialMeldThresholdEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.ISettingsPanel
The change initial meld threshold event is emitted when the user wants change the initial meld threshold
getChangeJokerNumberEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.SettingsPanel
getChangeJokerNumberEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.ISettingsPanel
Emitted when the joker number is changed
getChangeNoLimitsEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.SettingsPanel
getChangeNoLimitsEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.ISettingsPanel
Emitted when no limits is chosen
getChangeNumberOfStonesDealtEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.SettingsPanel
getChangeNumberOfStonesDealtEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.ISettingsPanel
The change number of Stones dealt event is emitted when the user wants to be dealt more or less than 14 Stones at the game start
getChangePlayerColorEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.SettingsPanel
getChangePlayerColorEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.ISettingsPanel
The change player color event is emitted when the user wants change a player's color
getChangePlayerNameEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.SettingsPanel
getChangePlayerNameEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.ISettingsPanel
The change player color event is emitted when the user wants change a player's name
getChangePlayerTypeEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.SettingsPanel
getChangePlayerTypeEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.ISettingsPanel
The change player color event is emitted when the user wants change a player's type
getChangeSeeHandSizeEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.SettingsPanel
getChangeSeeHandSizeEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.ISettingsPanel
The change see hand size event is emitted when the player chooses to see the other players hand sizes
getChangeStoneColorsEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.SettingsPanel
getChangeStoneColorsEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.ISettingsPanel
The change Stone colors event is emitted when the user chooses the stone colors to play with.
getChangeStoneSetNumberEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.SettingsPanel
getChangeStoneSetNumberEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.ISettingsPanel
The change StoneSet number event is emitted when the user wants to use more or less than 2 StoneSets per color
getChangeTimeEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.SettingsPanel
getChangeTimeEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.ISettingsPanel
Emitted when totalTime for a turn is changed
getChannelName() - Method in class jrummikub.util.LoginData
Getter for channel name
getClickEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.IClickable
the click event is emitted when the player clicks on the table/hand/etc.
getClickEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.AbstractStonePanel
getColor() - Method in class jrummikub.model.PlayerSettings
Returns the player's color
getColor() - Method in class jrummikub.model.Stone
Returns the color of the stone.
getColor(StoneColor) - Static method in class jrummikub.view.impl.StonePainter
getConnectedEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.control.network.ConnectionControl
getConnectedEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.control.network.IConnectionControl
getConnectionFailedEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.control.network.ConnectionControl
getConnectionFailedEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.control.network.IConnectionControl
getConnectionLostEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.control.network.ConnectionControl
getConnectionLostEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.control.network.IConnectionControl
getConnectPanel() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.View
getConnectPanel() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.IView
Getter for connect panel
getCurrentGame() - Method in class jrummikub.control.network.ConnectionControl
getCurrentGame() - Method in interface jrummikub.control.network.IConnectionControl
getEndOfGameEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.control.GameControl
Is emitted when the user ends the game and start a new one
getEndOfRoundEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.control.RoundControl
End the round
getEndOfTurnEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.control.turn.AbstractTurnControl
getEndOfTurnEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.control.turn.ITurnControl
Get the event that is emitted when the turn is over
getEndPauseEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.PausePanel
getEndPauseEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.View
getEndPauseEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.IView
The end pause event is emitted when the user wants to sresume the game after a pause
getEndProgramEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.RoundEndPanel
The end program is emitted when the player wants to quit the program
getEndProgramEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.View
getEndProgramEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.IView
The quit event is emitted when the player wants to quit the game
getEndTurnEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.PlayerPanel
getEndTurnEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.IPlayerPanel
The end turn event is emitted when the player wants to end his turn
getFactory() - Static method in class jrummikub.control.turn.AIControl
Get the factory for the base AI control
getFactory() - Static method in class jrummikub.control.turn.HumanTurnControl
Get a factory for this turn control
getFactory(PlayerSettings.Type) - Static method in class jrummikub.control.turn.TurnControlFactory
returns the turn control factory for the specified type
getFirst() - Method in class jrummikub.util.Pair
Extract the first component of a pair
getFirstRoundFirstPlayer() - Method in class jrummikub.model.GameState
Gets the number of the first player of the first round
getFreeRowSpace(int) - Method in class jrummikub.model.Hand
getFreeRowSpace(int) - Method in interface jrummikub.model.IHand
Gets the amount of free space in a hand row
getGameID() - Method in class jrummikub.util.GameData
Getter for gameID
getGameJoinAckEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.control.network.ConnectionControl
getGameJoinAckEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.control.network.IConnectionControl
getGameJoinEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.control.network.ConnectionControl
getGameJoinEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.control.network.IConnectionControl
getGameLeaveEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.control.network.ConnectionControl
getGameLeaveEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.control.network.IConnectionControl
getGameListPanel() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.View
getGameListPanel() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.IView
Getter for game list panel
getGameOfferEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.control.network.ConnectionControl
getGameOfferEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.control.network.IConnectionControl
getGameSettings() - Method in interface jrummikub.model.IRoundState
Get the current GameSettings
getGameSettings() - Method in class jrummikub.model.RoundState
getGameSettings() - Method in class jrummikub.util.GameData
Getter for game settings
getGameStartEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.control.network.ConnectionControl
getGameStartEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.control.network.IConnectionControl
getGameState() - Method in interface jrummikub.model.IRoundState
Returns the game state
getGameState() - Method in class jrummikub.model.RoundState
getGameWithdrawalEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.control.network.ConnectionControl
getGameWithdrawalEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.control.network.IConnectionControl
getHand() - Method in class jrummikub.control.turn.ITurnControl.TurnInfo
Gets the current player's hand
getHand() - Method in interface jrummikub.model.IPlayer
Get the current hand of the player
getHand() - Method in class jrummikub.model.Player
getHandPanel() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.PlayerPanel
getHandPanel() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.View
getHandPanel() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.IView
getHeight() - Method in interface jrummikub.model.Sizeable
Get the height of the object
getHeight() - Method in class jrummikub.model.Stone
getHeight() - Method in class jrummikub.model.StoneSet
getHighestValue() - Method in class jrummikub.model.GameSettings
Return the highest stone value in use
getHost() - Method in class jrummikub.util.GameData
Getter for host name
getHostName() - Method in class jrummikub.server.DedicatedServer
Getter for host name
getHoveredStone() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.AbstractStonePanel
Returns the stone the mouse pointer is hovering over
getIdenticalStoneCount() - Method in class jrummikub.model.Hand
getIdenticalStoneCount() - Method in interface jrummikub.model.IHand
Counts the pairs of identical stones
getInitialMeldThreshold() - Method in class jrummikub.model.GameSettings
Returns the initial meld threshold
getInvalidSets() - Method in class jrummikub.control.RoundControl.InvalidTurnInfo
Getter for the invalid sets
getInvalidTurnInfo() - Method in class jrummikub.control.network.ConnectionControl.TurnEndData
getJoinEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.IGameListPanel
Emitted when the user chose to join an existing, open game
getJoinEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.GameListPanel
getJokerNumber() - Method in class jrummikub.model.GameSettings
Returns the number of jokers
getJokerPoints() - Method in class jrummikub.model.GameSettings
Returns the points counted for a joker
getLaidOut() - Method in class jrummikub.control.turn.ITurnControl.TurnInfo
Returns if the current player has laid out yet
getLaidOut() - Method in interface jrummikub.model.IPlayer
Has the player laid out yet?
getLaidOut() - Method in class jrummikub.model.Player
getLastPlayer() - Method in interface jrummikub.model.IRoundState
Sets the player that will make the last turn before the round ends when the heap is empty
getLastPlayer() - Method in class jrummikub.model.RoundState
getLastPlayerRedealed() - Method in class jrummikub.model.GameState
Returns the player that has redealed last
getLastTurnStoneCount() - Method in interface jrummikub.model.IPlayer
Gets the number of stones put on table in player's last turn
getLastTurnStoneCount() - Method in class jrummikub.model.Player
getLeftConnectorClickEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.TablePanel
getLeftConnectorClickEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.ITablePanel
the left connector click event is emitted when the player clicks on a left connector of a stone set on the table .
getLeftPanelWidth() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.PlayerPanel
getListCellRendererComponent(JList, Object, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.GameListPanel.GameDataCellRenderer
getLoadErrorEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.control.SaveControl
The load error event is emitted when the file selected for loading is not a rum file
getLoadEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.control.SaveControl
Getter for loadEvent
getLoadEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.View
getLoadEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.IView
The load event is emitted when the user wants to load a previously saved game state
getLoadFileEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.View
getLoadFileEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.IView
The load file event is emitted when the user chose to discard the current game to save another
getLoadGameEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.SettingsPanel
getLoginEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.control.LoginControl
Getter for loginEvent
getLoginEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.ILoginPanel
Player has offered all information and wants to connect
getLoginEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.LoginPanel
getLoginPanel() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.View
getLoginPanel() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.IView
Getter for login panel
getMaximumSize() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.SettingsPanel.PlayerSettingsPanel
getMenuNewGameEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.View
getMenuNewGameEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.IView
The menu new game event is emitted when the user selects the new game menu entry
getMoveDirection(E, Position, Pair<E, Position>) - Method in class jrummikub.model.StoneTray
Returns the direction to move the object in
getMoveOrientation(E, Position, Pair<E, Position>) - Method in class jrummikub.model.StoneTray
Will the object be moved horizontally or vertically
getName() - Method in class jrummikub.model.PlayerSettings
Returns the player's name
getNetworkGameEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.SettingsPanel
getNetworkGameEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.View
getNetworkGameEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.IView
The network game event is emitted when the user chooses a network game
getNewGameEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.RoundEndPanel
getNewGameEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.View
getNewGameEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.IView
Is emitted if the player wants to end the game and start a new one
getNewPosition(E, Position, StoneTray.Direction, E, Position) - Method in class jrummikub.model.StoneTray
getNewRoundEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.RoundEndPanel
The new round event is emitted when the player wants to start a new round
getNewRoundEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.View
getNewRoundEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.IView
The new round event is emitted when the player wants to start a new round
getNextPlayerEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.control.network.ConnectionControl
getNextPlayerEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.control.network.IConnectionControl
getNickname() - Method in class jrummikub.control.network.ConnectionControl
getNickname() - Method in interface jrummikub.control.network.IConnectionControl
getNthNextPlayer(int) - Method in interface jrummikub.model.IRoundState
Returns the player that would be the active player after i turns
getNthNextPlayer(int) - Method in class jrummikub.model.RoundState
getNthPlayer(int) - Method in interface jrummikub.model.IRoundState
Returns the nth player
getNthPlayer(int) - Method in class jrummikub.model.RoundState
getNumberOfStonesDealt() - Method in class jrummikub.model.GameSettings
Get number of stones dealt at game start
getOfferGameEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.control.network.NetworkSettingsControl
The game offer event is emitted when a player wants to offer a new network game
getOfferGameEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.SettingsPanel
getOfferGameEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.ISettingsPanel
The offer new game event is emitted when a new game is started and looking for players
getOldHand() - Method in class jrummikub.control.turn.ITurnControl.TurnInfo
Gets the current player's hand at the beginning of the turn
getOldTable() - Method in class jrummikub.control.turn.ITurnControl.TurnInfo
Gets the table at the beginning of the turn
getOpenNewGameEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.IGameListPanel
Emitted when a new game is offered
getOpenNewGameEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.GameListPanel
getOtherClickEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.StoneCollectionPanel
The other click event is emitted by the stone collection when the player has clicked on it, but hasn't hit a stone.
getParticipantLeftEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.control.network.ConnectionControl
getParticipantLeftEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.control.network.IConnectionControl
getPassword() - Method in class jrummikub.util.LoginData
Getter for password
getPauseEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.PlayerPanel
getPauseEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.View
getPauseEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.IView
The pause event is emitted when the user wants to pause the current turn
getPlayerCount() - Method in interface jrummikub.model.IRoundState
Returns the number of players
getPlayerCount() - Method in class jrummikub.model.RoundState
getPlayerList() - Method in class jrummikub.model.GameSettings
Returns the list containing the settings of all players
getPlayerPanel() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.View
getPlayerPanel() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.IView
Returns the player panel
getPlayerSettings() - Method in interface jrummikub.model.IPlayer
Returns the player settings
getPlayerSettings() - Method in class jrummikub.model.Player
getPlayerSlotCount(GameData) - Static method in class jrummikub.view.impl.GameListPanel
Counts the empty slots for network players in a game
getPoints() - Method in class jrummikub.ai.TurnLogic.State
Returns the points
getPoints() - Method in class jrummikub.ai.TurnLogic.StoneState
How many points we get for melding this stone
getPoints() - Method in class jrummikub.model.Score
Get the point list
getPosition(E) - Method in interface jrummikub.model.IStoneTray
Returns the position of an object that is already on the tray
getPosition(E) - Method in class jrummikub.model.StoneTray
getPreferredSize() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.SettingsPanel.PlayerSettingsPanel
getPreferredSize() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.SidePanel.PlayerListPanel
getQuitEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.QuitWarningPanel
getQuitEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.View
getQuitEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.IQuitWarningPanel
Is emitted if the user is positive about quitting
getQuitEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.IView
The quit event is emitted when the user wants to leave the application
getQuitMode() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.QuitWarningPanel
getQuitMode() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.IQuitWarningPanel
Getter for quit mode
getQuitWarningPanel() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.View
getQuitWarningPanel() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.IView
Getter for quit warning panel
getRangeClickEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.AbstractStonePanel
getRangeClickEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.IStonePanel
the range click event is emitted when the player clicks on the table/hand/ etc. and wants to select a range instead of a single stone
getRedealEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.control.network.ConnectionControl
getRedealEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.control.network.IConnectionControl
getRedealEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.control.turn.AbstractTurnControl
getRedealEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.control.turn.ITurnControl
Emitted when the round is aborted and needs to be restarted
getRedealEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.PlayerPanel
getRedealEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.IPlayerPanel
The redeal event is emitted when the player wants to get new stones
getRemovePlayerEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.SettingsPanel
getRemovePlayerEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.ISettingsPanel
The remove player event is emitted when the user wants to remove a player remove the player list
getRestartRoundEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.control.RoundControl
Emitted when the round is aborted and needs to be restarted
getResult() - Method in class jrummikub.ai.TurnLogic
Get the found stones and create output sets
getRightConnectorClickEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.TablePanel
getRightConnectorClickEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.ITablePanel
the right connector click event is emitted when the player clicks on a right connector of a stone set on the table .
getRoundStartEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.control.network.ConnectionControl
getRoundStartEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.control.network.IConnectionControl
getRoundState() - Method in class jrummikub.control.network.ConnectionControl.TurnEndData
getRoundState() - Method in class jrummikub.control.turn.ITurnControl.TurnInfo
Get the current round state
getRoundStateUpdateEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.control.network.ConnectionControl
getRoundStateUpdateEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.control.network.IConnectionControl
getRoundStateUpdateEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.control.RoundControl
Is emitted in network when a new turn starts
getRowCount() - Method in class jrummikub.model.Hand
getRowCount() - Method in interface jrummikub.model.IHand
The number of used rows
getSaveEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.View
getSaveEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.IView
The save event is emitted when the user wants to save the current game state
getScaledBackground(int, BufferedImage) - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.HandPanel
getScore() - Method in class jrummikub.ai.TurnLogic.State
Returns the score
getScore() - Method in class jrummikub.ai.TurnLogic.StoneState
How badly we want to get rid of this stone
getScorePanel() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.View
getScorePanel() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.IView
Returns the score panel
getScores() - Method in class jrummikub.model.GameState
Returns the list of players' scores in the rounds played before
getSecond() - Method in class jrummikub.util.Pair
Extract the second component of a pair
getSeeHandSize() - Method in class jrummikub.model.GameSettings
Returns the visibility of the hand size
getServerName() - Method in class jrummikub.util.LoginData
Getter for server name
getServerPassword() - Method in class jrummikub.server.DedicatedServer
Get the current server password
getSetClickEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.AbstractStonePanel
getSetClickEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.IStonePanel
the set click event is emitted when the player clicks on the table/hand/ etc. and wants to select a whole set instead of a single stone
getSettingsPanel() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.View
getSettingsPanel() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.IView
Returns the settings panel
getSetVariantChildrenEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.SettingsPanel
getSetVariantChildrenEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.ISettingsPanel
Emitted when the children variant is chosen
getSetVariantDefaultEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.SettingsPanel
getSetVariantDefaultEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.ISettingsPanel
Emitted when the variables are reset to the default values
getSidePanel() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.View
getSidePanel() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.IView
Returns the side panel
getSize() - Method in interface jrummikub.model.IStoneTray
Return the number of objects on the tray
getSize() - Method in class jrummikub.model.StoneHeap
Get the number of stones left
getSize() - Method in class jrummikub.model.StoneSet
Returns the number of stones in the set.
getSize() - Method in class jrummikub.model.StoneTray
getSortByGroupsEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.PlayerPanel
getSortByGroupsEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.IPlayerPanel
The sort by groups event is emitted when the player wants to sort his stones by groups
getSortByRunsEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.PlayerPanel
getSortByRunsEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.IPlayerPanel
The sort by runs event is emitted when the player wants to sort his stones by runs
getStartGameEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.control.network.GameJoinControl
The event that is emitted when the game is started
getStartGameEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.control.network.GameOfferControl
The event that is emitted when the game is started
getStartGameEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.control.SettingsControl
the start game event is emitted when the user wants to start a game and the settings made are valid
getStartGameEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.SettingsPanel
getStartGameEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.ISettingsPanel
the start game event is emitted when the user wants to start the game
getStartTurnEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.StartTurnPanel
getStartTurnEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.View
getStartTurnEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.IView
The start turn event is emitted when the player wants to start his turn
getStoneAt(Position) - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.AbstractStonePanel
Gets the stone at the specified position
getStoneClickEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.AbstractStonePanel
getStoneClickEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.IStonePanel
the click event is emitted when the player clicks on the table/hand/etc.
getStoneCollectionPanel() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.TablePanel
getStoneCollectionPanel() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.ITablePanel
Returns the stone collection (the panel showing the stones currently selected)
getStoneColors() - Method in class jrummikub.model.GameSettings
Get stone colors used
getStoneHeap() - Method in interface jrummikub.model.IRoundState
Returns the heap of stones to draw from
getStoneHeap() - Method in class jrummikub.model.RoundState
getStoneHeight() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.StonePainter
getStoneImage(StoneColor, int, StonePainter.StoneState, boolean) - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.StonePainter
getStonePainter() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.AbstractStonePanel
getStonePoints(GameSettings) - Method in class jrummikub.model.Hand
getStonePoints(GameSettings) - Method in interface jrummikub.model.IHand
Get the accumulated number of points of stones in the hand
getStones() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.AbstractStonePanel
Returns the list of stones and positions currently set
getStoneSetNumber() - Method in class jrummikub.model.GameSettings
Get the number of sets of stones in use
getStoneWidth() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.StonePainter
getStopNetworkEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.control.network.NetworkControl
Getter for stopNetworkEvent
getTable() - Method in class jrummikub.control.RoundControl.InvalidTurnInfo
Getter for table
getTable() - Method in class jrummikub.control.turn.ITurnControl.TurnInfo
Gets the current table
getTable() - Method in interface jrummikub.model.IRoundState
Get the current Table
getTable() - Method in class jrummikub.model.RoundState
getTablePanel() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.View
getTablePanel() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.IView
Returns the table
getTableUpdateEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.control.network.ConnectionControl
getTableUpdateEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.control.network.IConnectionControl
getTableUpdateEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.control.turn.AbstractTurnControl
getTableUpdateEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.control.turn.ITurnControl
Emitted in network when the table changes during player turn
getTimeRunOutEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.control.ITurnTimer
Returns the event that is emitted if the timer timed out.
getTimeRunOutEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.control.TurnTimer
getTotalStones() - Method in class jrummikub.model.GameSettings
Calculate the total number of stones in game
getTotalTime() - Method in class jrummikub.model.GameSettings
Getter for the time for a turn
getTranslation() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.AbstractStonePanel
Returns the translation in pixels the stones in this panel are painted with
getTranslation() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.HandPanel
getTranslation() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.StoneCollectionPanel
getTranslation() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.TablePanel
getTurnEndEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.control.network.ConnectionControl
getTurnEndEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.control.network.IConnectionControl
getTurnMode() - Method in class jrummikub.control.turn.ITurnControl.TurnInfo
Gets the current turn's mode
getTurnNumber() - Method in interface jrummikub.model.IRoundState
Gets the number of the current turn.
getTurnNumber() - Method in class jrummikub.model.RoundState
getTurnStartEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.control.network.ConnectionControl
getTurnStartEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.control.network.IConnectionControl
getType() - Method in class jrummikub.control.RoundControl.InvalidTurnInfo
Getter for invalid turn type
getType() - Method in class jrummikub.model.PlayerSettings
Get the player's TurnControlFactory type
getTypeLabel(PlayerSettings.Type) - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.SettingsPanel.PlayerSettingsPanel
getUseDedicatedServerEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.ILoginPanel
Emitted when the user presses the use dedicated server button
getUseDedicatedServerEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.LoginPanel
getUserName() - Method in class jrummikub.util.LoginData
Getter for user name
getValue() - Method in class jrummikub.model.Stone
Returns the value of the stone.
getWidth() - Method in interface jrummikub.model.Sizeable
Get the width of the object
getWidth() - Method in class jrummikub.model.Stone
getWidth() - Method in class jrummikub.model.StoneSet
getWinners(Integer[], int[]) - Method in class jrummikub.model.GameState
Returns whether players have won
getWinners() - Method in class jrummikub.model.Score
Get the winner list
getX() - Method in class jrummikub.model.Position
Get the x coordinate of the position
getY() - Method in class jrummikub.model.Position
Get the y coordinate of the position
goBack() - Method in class jrummikub.control.network.AbstractGameBeginControl
goBack() - Method in class jrummikub.control.network.GameJoinControl
Aborts joining and goes back to game list
goBack() - Method in class jrummikub.control.network.GameOfferControl
groupNeighbor(TurnLogic.StoneState) - Method in class jrummikub.ai.TurnLogic.StoneState
Checks whether this stone could be left to other in a group