GameControl - Class in jrummikub.control
Controls a Game, at some point including all Rounds, starts new Rounds
GameControl(IView) - Constructor for class jrummikub.control.GameControl
GameState - Class in jrummikub.model
Class managing the overall and momentary GameState
GameState() - Constructor for class jrummikub.model.GameState
Create a new GameState with an empty table and (currently) 4 new players.
get(int) - Method in class jrummikub.model.StoneSet
Returns the i-th stone of the set (starting with 0)
getActivePlayer() - Method in class jrummikub.model.GameState
getActivePlayer() - Method in interface jrummikub.model.IGameState
Returns the currently active player
getClickEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.IClickable
the click event is emitted when the player clicks on the table/hand/etc.
getClickEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.AbstractStonePanel
getColor() - Method in interface jrummikub.model.IPlayer
Return the player's color
getColor() - Method in class jrummikub.model.Player
getColor() - Method in class jrummikub.model.Stone
Returns the color of the stone.
getEndOfTurnEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.control.TurnControl
Get the event that is emitted when the turn is over
getEndRoundEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.control.RoundControl
End the round
getEndTurnEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.PlayerPanel
getEndTurnEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.IPlayerPanel
The end turn event is emitted when the player wants to end his turn
getFirst() - Method in class jrummikub.util.Pair
Extract the first component of a pair
getGameHeap() - Method in class jrummikub.model.GameState
getGameHeap() - Method in interface jrummikub.model.IGameState
Returns the heap of stones to draw from
getHand() - Method in interface jrummikub.model.IPlayer
Get the current hand of the player
getHand() - Method in class jrummikub.model.Player
getHandPanel() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.PlayerPanel
getHandPanel() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.IPlayerPanel
getHeight() - Method in interface jrummikub.model.Sizeable
Get the height of the object
getHeight() - Method in class jrummikub.model.Stone
getHeight() - Method in class jrummikub.model.StoneSet
getHoveredStone() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.AbstractStonePanel
Returns the stone the mouse pointer is hovering over
getLeftConnectorClickEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.TablePanel
getLeftConnectorClickEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.ITablePanel
the left connector click event is emitted when the player clicks on a left connector of a stone set on the table .
getName() - Method in interface jrummikub.model.IPlayer
Return the name of the player
getName() - Method in class jrummikub.model.Player
getNewGameEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.View
getNewGameEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.WinPanel
The new game event is emitted when the player wants to start a new game
getNewGameEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.IView
The new game event is emitted when the player wants to start a new game
getNthNextPlayer(int) - Method in class jrummikub.model.GameState
getNthNextPlayer(int) - Method in interface jrummikub.model.IGameState
Returns the player that would be the active player after i turns
getOtherClickEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.StoneCollectionPanel
The other click event is emitted by the stone collection when the player has clicked on it, but hasn't hit a stone.
getPlayerCount() - Method in class jrummikub.model.GameState
getPlayerCount() - Method in interface jrummikub.model.IGameState
Returns the number of players
getPlayerPanel() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.View
getPlayerPanel() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.IView
Returns the player panel
getPosition(E) - Method in interface jrummikub.model.IStoneTray
Returns the position of an object that is already on the tray
getPosition(E) - Method in class jrummikub.model.StoneTray
getQuitEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.View
getQuitEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.WinPanel
The quit event is emitted when the player wants to quit the program
getQuitEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.IView
The quit event is emitted when the player wants to quit the game
getRangeClickEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.AbstractStonePanel
getRangeClickEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.IStonePanel
the range click event is emitted when the player clicks on the table/hand/ etc. and wants to select a range instead of a single stone
getRightConnectorClickEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.TablePanel
getRightConnectorClickEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.ITablePanel
the right connector click event is emitted when the player clicks on a right connector of a stone set on the table .
getSecond() - Method in class jrummikub.util.Pair
Extract the second component of a pair
getSetClickEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.AbstractStonePanel
getSetClickEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.IStonePanel
the set click event is emitted when the player clicks on the table/hand/ etc. and wants to select a whole set instead of a single stone
getSize() - Method in interface jrummikub.model.IStoneTray
Return the number of objects on the tray
getSize() - Method in class jrummikub.model.StoneHeap
Get the number of stones left
getSize() - Method in class jrummikub.model.StoneTray
getSortByGroupsEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.PlayerPanel
getSortByGroupsEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.IPlayerPanel
The sort by groups event is emitted when the player wants to sort his stones by groups
getSortByRunsEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.PlayerPanel
getSortByRunsEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.IPlayerPanel
The sort by runs event is emitted when the player wants to sort his stones by runs
getStartTurnEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.StartTurnPanel
The start turn event is emitted when the current player has clicked the start turn button
getStartTurnEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.View
getStartTurnEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.IView
The start turn event is emitted when the player wants to start his turn
getStoneClickEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.AbstractStonePanel
getStoneClickEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.IStonePanel
the click event is emitted when the player clicks on the table/hand/etc.
getStoneCollectionPanel() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.TablePanel
getStoneCollectionPanel() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.ITablePanel
Returns the stone collection (the panel showing the stones currently selected)
getStoneHeight() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.StonePainter
getStonePainter() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.AbstractStonePanel
getStones() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.AbstractStonePanel
Returns the list of stones and positions currently set
getStoneWidth() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.StonePainter
getTable() - Method in class jrummikub.model.GameState
getTable() - Method in interface jrummikub.model.IGameState
Get the current Table
getTablePanel() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.View
getTablePanel() - Method in interface jrummikub.view.IView
Returns the table
getTimeRunOutEvent() - Method in interface jrummikub.control.ITurnTimer
Returns the event that is emitted if the timer timed out.
getTimeRunOutEvent() - Method in class jrummikub.control.TurnTimer
getTranslation() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.AbstractStonePanel
Returns the translation in pixels the stones in this panel are painted with
getTranslation() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.StoneCollectionPanel
getTranslation() - Method in class jrummikub.view.impl.TablePanel
getValue() - Method in class jrummikub.model.Stone
Returns the value of the stone.
getWidth() - Method in interface jrummikub.model.Sizeable
Get the width of the object
getWidth() - Method in class jrummikub.model.Stone
getWidth() - Method in class jrummikub.model.StoneSet
getX() - Method in class jrummikub.model.Position
Get the x coordinate of the position
getY() - Method in class jrummikub.model.Position
Get the y coordinate of the position