path: root/crates/rebel-parse/Cargo.toml
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
12 daysrebel-parse: ast: use derive-into-owned crate to derive into_owned() and borr...Matthias Schiffer
2024-05-04rebel-parse, rebel-lang: switch to rustc-hashMatthias Schiffer
2024-04-28rebel-parse: use phf for faster keyword parsingMatthias Schiffer
2024-04-27Update dependenciesMatthias Schiffer
2024-04-25rebel-parse: use git version of pegMatthias Schiffer
2024-04-22rebel-parse: add benchmarkMatthias Schiffer
2024-04-22rebel-parse: Initial RecipeLang parser implementationMatthias Schiffer
2024-04-20Move rebel-parse dependency from rebel-resolve to rebelMatthias Schiffer
2024-04-20rebel: move parsing to a separate crateMatthias Schiffer